Just A Little Cut

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I'm bullied for my size,

and my skills,

don't forget my religion,

I'm different,

so I'm targeted,

I walk around broken,

like a broken doll,

my heart crushed,

my mind dark,

the cuts on my wrist get deeper,

the pills in my hands pile up,

they bully me,

my fellow peers,

my fellow classmates,

they bully me,

laugh at me,

trip me,

I walk around dead,

hurt mentally and physically,

one day I break,

one day I cut,

the blood flows down,

my wrist bleeds,

they find me on the ground,

half dead,

pick me up,

do what they say saves me,

but why live when no one wants you to,

why live when all you do is cry,

why do I have to lie,

all I want to do is die,

It's only a little cut

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