Chapter 12: Delectable (All)

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The massage therapist rubbed a knot out of my neck with unforgiving fingers, but I couldn't be more grateful for her rough hands. Each stroke relaxed me more and more until I was nearly asleep by the time she finished. When I was completely done the sixty minute massage, I sat up, rejuvenated and walked out of the room with a satisfied grin on my face.

For the past hour I had been away from the Sakamaki brothers and it hadn't been all too terrible. I knew they would be livid upon my return, but the massage was heaven.

"Some time in the Jacuzzi should help to further relax your muscles," the therapist provided, handing me a plastic cup of water as I went to pay.

"Do you know how to do spinal adjustments like a chiropractor?"

"It just so happens that I do," she said fondly and instructed me into position before cracking my back wonderfully. There were thirteen separate cracks in total. "You really should see a chiropractor for regular treatment. It could be that the ridiculous amount of tension in your muscles is the result of an underlying spinal issue."

"I don't have the money," I said, shrugging. "Hence I got the cheapest massage."

"Ah, I see," the woman said, her black braided hair swaying as she flicked it over her shoulder. "Well, anyhow, it's what I'd recommend."

"Thank you very much," I said bowing slightly to her.

"You're very welcome."

As I walked back through the park to where our belongings lay, I massaged my own shoulders with a hand. I'd never felt them so relaxed and supple. They felt like putty under my fingers. My fingers traced the band aid on the side of my neck; the wound hardly stung any more after the treatment.

"Miyako!" Ayato yelled across the deck upon seeing me. All the brothers were clustered in that general area like a herd of cattle that didn't want to separate from one another. Subaru sat in a chair across from Shuu, Kanato was off to the side conversing with Teddy, Ayato and Laito seemed to be actively on lookout while Reiji was on a cell phone with someone. He hung up immediately upon seeing me. "Where have you been?"

"I went to the first aid station and while I was there I saw that they had a sale on massages so I took the opportunity."

"You let someone else touch you?" Ayato demanded, grasping my wrist firmly.

"That would've been enjoyable to watch," Laito enthused, a grin stretching his face. "You should've invited us, Little Beauty."

"Sorry," I said quickly. "I wasn't thinking-"

"Of course you weren't," Reiji growled, stalking over. "You ought to tell us."

"I'm sorry to worry you Reiji, Ayato, everyone..."

"I wasn't worried," Shuu said, opening his eyes and glancing over. "You can handle yourself. There's no need to baby you; I don't have time for that kind of crap."

"Yeah," Subaru agreed, but stood up at my return and searched me as if to see for himself that I was completely fine.

"I have a few extra bandaids," I said slowly. "So, if you want something to drink..."

All the brothers' eyes were upon me.

"Please don't make too many marks and none on my legs-" I shot a glare at Laito "-just so I can still ride on the waterslides."

"Nfu~ you know we have healing saliva, right?" Laito giggled, a small smirk on his face as my face fell.

"I always thought... Reiji's concoctions..."

"No, you're mistaken," Reiji confirmed, with an air of amusement

I sighed and reached up to tug off the bandaid upon my neck. A blossom of dark purple leached the side of my neck.

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