Chapter 13: Ex Best Friends (Subaru, Reiji)

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"Are you ready for school Miyako?"

"Coming!" I called from the kitchen, finishing up my homemade lunch.

Once we were all tucked away in the limousine, our driver set off. The dark night often doused my spirits, but I was content since our vacation.

"I don't think we've ever been on a real vacation before," Laito crooned, a self-satisfied smirk on his face."We should do it again. What slide did you like best, Subaru?" 

"Eh?" Subaru grunted, looking over to his brother as if he'd been addressed for the first time in his life. Then again, regular conversation wasn't this family's forte. "I suppose the one with the tubes; Rocket Raft I think it was called."

"Ha! Yes, that one was fun!" Ayato agreed, leaning forward over his knees. "The drop was very steep."

"I hated that one," Kanato growled, holding Teddy close. "I liked the lazy river."

"The lazy river was nice," I agreed, smiling at Kanato. "What about you, Shuu? Reiji?"

"I liked laying out on the deck," Shuu muttered, his eyes still closed.

"But surely there was a ride you liked," I persisted, leaning forward. 

Shuu opened an eye and I could almost see a shadow of a smirk as he regarded me, "The Whirlpool one was nice."

"I think so too."

"I'm surprised you went on all of them, Shuu," Reiji commented dryly, though not in a rude fashion despite his tone.

"Me too," Shuu admitted, closing his eyes again and leaning back. "What was your favorite, Reiji?"

Reiji looked mildly surprised by his brother's inclination to engage in conversation, but thankfully he answered the question instead of making a jibe.

"The raft one where we could all ride at once was the best, in my opinion."

"Yes, it was nice not to have to argue who would ride with Little Beauty," Laito agreed, smiling fondly over at me.

"You all got to at least once," I said soothingly with a knowing smile. The school lights were appearing in the distance. "I made sure."

"Ayato got more than his fair share," Kanato whined, glaring at his brother over Teddy.

"It's alright," I insisted before Ayato could speak. "We can do something together this week, if you'd like Kanato."

"I would like that," Kanato agreed as the limo pulled up to the school entrance.

Subaru walked me to my Literature class, sticking very close like a shadow. I could feel his fingers brush mine every so often, but when I opened my hand to be held, he didn't seem to pick up on it. I sighed inwardly, but not without amusement.

"Miyako? Is that you?" I turned to see a black haired girl with coal dark eyes striding down the hallway. Heehae; my ex-best friend. She walked next to a girl with wavy brown hair who looked distasteful as if she had smelled something she wasn't in the mood for. That was Rae; my other ex-best friend. "No... don't tell me... you've been in remedial school this whole time!?"

"This fits better with my schedule," I said evenly, attempting to walk past her but she blocked me.

"Sure, sure," she rolled her eyes. "Rae and I actually are here because of our schedules. Our parents need us to make daytime appearances occasionally, you know, so we go to night school to make up for that. A legitimate excuse."

"Nice," I muttered. "I'm just going to go."

"Who's this?" Heehae asked, her eyes darting to Subaru.

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