Chapter 11- 'Holy crap, did I just name our knife?'

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A/N: huge thank you to wl_rdc for the amazing banner! 

Hope you like the chapter people, and i seriously recommend for you to listen to the song at the side. Doesnt really have anything to do with the chapter is just freeeaking amazing. I want to make love to both of their voices. 

Anyway, usual drill. Vote and comment to let me know what you think!


“How is it my fault?!”

“It was your duty to bring it down!”

“I was holding the knife!”

“I was holding the English Teacher!”

“You could have reminded me!”

“I didn’t think I needed to, it was kind of a given to bring down the damn thing!”

“Well I’m sorry it slipped my mind, a lot is going on right now!”

“Oh f*ck up making excuses woman!”

“Don’t you swear at me you baboon’s ass!”

“What you going to do Barbie, scratch me?”

“I’ll claw those beady little eyes of yours out Hender-“

“ENOUGH!” Jaden screamed, standing to his feet and coming between Archie and I, who were glaring at each other with so much anger I'm surprised we hadn’t set each other on fire yet from just this stare.

Since we had discovered that the laptop had slipped our minds and was still on the counter in the medical room, neither myself or Archie could put the blame on ourselves so naturally we put it on each other. It was a natural defence mechanism, and in my defence no one reminded me.

“We need to remain calm.” Jaden’s voice was composed as he tried to defuse the situation. He sounded like he was meditating. “This could have happened to anyone, it wasn’t anybody’s fault.”

Both Archie and I went to open our mouths to argue against that point, but Jaden raised his hand to cover both of our mouths effectively shutting us up. He released a long breath, still trying to remain calm and reserved “It was nobody’s fault. Okay?”

My glare never left Archie, and his never left mine. Jaden slowly removed the hands from our mouths, glancing between us to make sure we were going to keep them shut.

“What are we going to do then?” Alex asked, glancing between his brother and I nervously as if worried that one sentence was going to set us off again.

Neither of us replied as we were too busy trying to kill each other with our eyes.

“Someone needs to go and get it I guess?” Miss Vines answered for us.

“Who though?” Gavin wondered, and I let out an annoyed snarl.

“Well obviously it’s going to be me and this asshole isn’t it.” I stated because it was true. It was our fault and even if it wasn’t, half of the people in this room would probably cry if we forced them to leave it. I turned and marched to the door, the butterfly knife gripped tight in my hand. I turned and shouted over my shoulder “Come on Henderson!”

I heard footsteps begin to follow me.

“Are you sure this is wise? I mean you two aren’t exactly calm right now or on the same page.” Jaden called out; clearly worried if we were alone I would turn and use this knife on his best friend.

“This is a perfect time to go out there. If I bump into the guy with the mood I’m in right now I’ll be screaming ‘come at me bro’ with vengeance!” I almost growled, and I swear I actually heard Archie snort a laugh.

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