Meeting Emileah

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Sometime later I stirred from a deep sleep sprawled across Zaden’s chest as he gently ran his fingertips over my bare back in little circles. Smiling I tilted my head to look up and find him staring at the ceiling above us, which was no surprise because he traced my skin mostly when he was thinking.

His face gave no indication of what was going on inside of his mind but at least he didn’t seem angry or upset by anything. “What are you thinking about love?” I asked gently pressing my lips to the bottom of his chin.

“Arianna had the baby.”

“Really! When?” I asked pushing myself up so that I was staring down at him.

“About an hour ago.”

“Vic came down to tell you?” I asked suddenly tense at the thought of him having come back down here with Zaden alone while I slept, but Zaden shook his head.

“No. Kaden came down to check on us. He told me. A beautiful health baby girl. Her name is Emileah.” It was a beautiful name, fitting for her because there was no doubt in my mind she was going to be one of the most gorgeous and loved  children in all of the pack. “He also said that Vic requests our presence once you were awake.” My entire body stiffened once more at his request and I shook my head quickly.

“No. I’ll give them tonight together as their family.”

“Baby you can’t avoid him forever.” He murmured as he pulled me back into his chest cuddling me close and I didn’t say anything for a moment. I knew that I couldn’t from him forever but that didn’t mean I had to go search him out and make this even more awkward than it was going to be. I knew that I should go and make sure that Arianna was alright because she was a good friend of mine.

“I know that.” I murmured.

“Baby it’s all right. I told you he doesn’t hate you, he loves you.” I just shook my head, as silly as it sounded my confidence in Victor had been shaken. The man that was supposed to be like a brother, a man that was supposed to be our leader had cracked viciously under pressure. Though I couldn’t deny he was going through a lot, and he had a lot to handle it would never change cracking under it all and attacking your pack mate, your Beta at that, and over powering a weaker wolf only trying to protect her mate. “Come on baby.” He said managing to push himself up and scoop me into his arms so that I had no choice as he carried me out into the tiny hallway. He had apparently been here before because where I had missed the tiny closet he went straight to it grabbing two pairs of sweat pants and a tank top for me. I slid into the clothes and let him lead me back up the stairs toward the room I was assuming Victor, Arianna and the baby would be. I gripped his hand tighter so that we paused outside the door and looked up at him pleadingly.

“Please. Can’t we just go home? I’m sure that she is exhausted and that they just want some time as a family.”

“Baby.” He said with a deep sigh and shook his head. “Come on. I’m sure Arianna wants to see you and I know you want to meet the baby.” Realizing that I wasn’t going to win this I just let out a deep breath and tucked myself into his side tightly and nodded. “Good.” He said as he pushed the door open and ushered me inside. We paused just inside the doorway and focused on our friends. Victor was sitting behind Arianna so that he was sitting against the back of the bed while she leaned into his chest cradling her daughter close, both of them positively glowing with soft intimate smiles on their face as they stared down at their daughter. I looked to Zaden now who was smiling at them with a familiar flint in his eyes and I knew he was remembering the same things that I was, what it was like to have been there ourselves so long ago. We were going to be there again before long, I realized as I rubbed my stomach gently. Zaden turned to me to press his lips to my forehead as he stroked his hand over mine.

“Jacqlynn!” Arianna called drawing my attention back to her as she beamed at me. “Come. Meet your new god daughter.” She ordered motioning for me to step forward. I flicked my gaze to Victor hesitantly but he was pulling himself out from behind her carefully as he kissed he head and then his daughters and approached where we stood. I jumped at the chance to avoid the awkward conversation and moved to sit on the edge beside her to look down at the little pink bundle in her arms. I had called it when I had said she was going to be gorgeous. She had her mother’s fair skin, and her tiny head was dusted with dark hairs that matched both her mothers and her fathers but as those little eyes fluttered open that startling molten silver eyes locked right onto me. She was definitely her father’s child.

“Hi Emileah.” I cooed as I reached out to stroke her hand gently and that little palm immediately wrapped around my fingers before she closed her eyes and cuddled into her mother once more. “She is so adorable Arianna.”

“Yes she is.” Arianna whispered still simply staring down at her. “It’s hard to believe you will be here again in not too long.”

“Yeah it definitely is.” I said nodding in agreement as I looked back to Vic and Zaden as they whispered amongst themselves, and it seemed to be a heavy, serious conversation at the frowns on their faces.

“What’s going on with them?” she asked quietly as she frowned at her mate.

“I don’t know.” I lied shaking my head and turned the conversation back onto her. “How are you feeling?”

“Exhausted, but it’s so hard to sleep.”

“I know. I understand, but you should really try, I’m sure you need it.”

“I don’t want to let her go. I’ve spent all this time carrying her but I still don’t want to let her down now that she is in my arms.”

“You can always nap with her on your shoulder, just make sure that Victor stays up to take her from you after too long.” I explained quietly. There had been plenty of times that the only way the twins would sleep would be cuddle close together on my chest needing the familiar warmth and scent to relax.

“Yeah?” She asked with a raised brown and smiled getting to my feet so that I could lower the back of the bed a little more so that she was laying low enough to be able to sleep and helped her shift Emileah so that the infant was laying on her stomach with her head buried into her mother’s neck as we situated the blankets around her once more. Almost immediately I saw Arianna’s lids drop in exhaustion.

“She is beautiful Arianna. Rest now and let your body finish healing.” I said quietly squeezing her hand gently before turning back to the males who weren’t saying anything anymore but both eyes were locked on us females. I dropped my gaze from them as I quickly moved back to Zaden’s side and buried myself into his chest.

“Thank you Jacqlynn. I’ve been trying to get her to rest for a while now.” Victor said quietly, almost sounding like he was afraid of spooking me. I just simply nodded keeping myself curled into Zaden. “Jacqlynn.” He said softly with a sigh. “Will you look at me?”

“Vic don’t press this.” Zaden growled as he tightened around me protectively.

“I’m just—“he began again but Zaden cut him off.

“We need to go Victor. I want to go home and be in bed with my mate.” Zaden said finally as he began to pull me out of the room without another word. Looking behind me I found Victor standing there looking very defeated as he speared his hand through his hair and dropped into the closet chair around him. I didn’t say anything as I continued to follow Zaden home. 

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