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Continuation of 163, just because lol. 

The day had slowly started to end, the sun setting it's way down, to rest for the night. Already stars were painted on the twilight sky, which dazed you to look up. Harry steps outside the dock, wearing a red aloha shirt, printed with various shapes and sizes of flowers. 

"Here you go baby, it's cold at this time." He hands you his jumper. Thanking him, you tugged the jumper of your head, and let it flow down, resting mid thigh, since the size matched to Harry, not you. The thick fabric of the jumper trapped in the warm temperature around your body. Harry intertwines your cold hand,  and gathers both of your hands up to his face, as he blows his hot breath, to heat them up. 

"I don't want you to get sick darling." 

Other friends Harry had invited are all gathered around the dock, talking among each other. Harry had left quickly to grab a drink, he shortly returns with two cans of beer. "Here is one for you. Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder." He smirks, as you playfully roll your eyes. Even though you wren't really in the mood to drink you took the can of beer. Harry drags you gently to his group of friends you recognized and already you were all having a blast. 

All of a sudden a loud horn blares, with is caused by the ship, interrupting the conversations that were happening on the boat. It vibrates the floor, as you feel it inside you heart. A couple of people block their ears from the loud sound. After a couple of seconds, the horn stops as Harry screams.

"Fuck off Nigel!" You couldn't help it but laugh, which caused his friends to join in as well. Harry lets out a cute laugh along with a dimpled smile. He turns to face you, grabbing the side of your face, leaving you a sloppy kiss on your lips. 

"I love you so much Y/N." He whispers, his breath containing the smell of beer, you laugh at his drunk state, loving the way he is comfortable with you, even if there were many people around him. "Love you too Harry, now go have fun with your friends!" 

He wobbles a bit, and screams on the top of his lungs, greeting his mates. You loved seeing him happy, just being himself, always made you blissful as well. If you never had him you wouldn't see the sun, as he also taught you how to be someone. 

All your life, he always stood by you, taking care of you and your relationship. 

After what seemed to be an hour, you talked with some people you knew, playing a few rounds of games and getting to know others. Sitting down, crossed legged, you created sweater paws from Harry's jumper as little gloves for your hands. Bonding with a few people, you felt Harry yelling your name. 

"Y/N! Y/N! Where are you my baby?" Since it was dark, the lights that lit up the dock, wasn't enough for Harry to find you. Trying to be sneaky, you stood up, and raced towards Harry, wrapping your arms around his waist. He spins around, glancing down. "There is my baby." He hiccups, the shadows cascading on his face, but the faint light hitting the right side of his cheek. 

"Oh gosh you're drunk." You sniffle a giggle. Harry cracks a smirk, hugging your hips. "No, I'm Harry."

"I swear to d-drunk I'm not God-" Harry hiccups for the second time. "Excuse me." He says, blocking his mouth with his hand, before continuing his mixed words.

 "-but seriously, stay in d-drugs, eat school, a-and don't do vegetables." He finishes, slurring some of the syllables.  

You laugh at him, ruffling his long hair. "I'm so going to tell you about this when you're sober, it's too funny."

Harry hums, enjoying the way you touched his long hair. "I've got to tell you something Y/N."

"What would that be?" 

"Why did the bee get married?"

"Oh Harry not again-" 

"Because he found his honey. And you're my honey." He says, snuggling his face to your neck, enjoying the moment you two are sharing.

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