{Chapter 4}

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Chapter 4

Louis Above Or To The Side

Rosaline and Joey were in his room laughing and playing with his action figures after spending a couple of hours in the indoor pool.
She was just about to tackle Joey to the ground for telling her that she is a horrible villain, as they were playing Good verse Evil, when there was a knock at the door.
Sighing she got up off the ground as Joey kept on playing and went to open the door.

George watched as the door opened to reveal the girl in a swimsuit with a cover on over it. He must admit that she is quite beautiful but he finds it hard to admire her when she is not of his kind. He's one out of a group of many who think their species should not mix with the likes of humans for it makes weaker offspring. 'Maybe the King, once he gets her of course, could stick her with an attractive human male and breed them to have beautiful offspring that the king could keep to admire or make into servants' he mused.

The girl gave him a confused look to which he gave her an aggravated one.

"It's five o'clock, miss. I came to make sure you get ready on time for dinner."

Rosaline's eyes widened as she looked over to Joeys window to see the sun setting. The time has really gone by fast with how much fun her and her little brother were having together.
She turned back to George.

"Thanks for informing me. I'll go get ready and be down."

"I am suppose to make sure you're correctly dressed as well as down on time, miss."

She narrowed her eyes at him.
"So what, are you gonna come into my room with me and watch me get dressed like a creep just to make sure?"

'I could twist your neck before your next blink' George thought not replying to her.

"I'm a big girl and can get down on time fully dressed thank you." She said sourly.

George gave her a look that almost promised death.

"As you wish, miss." he growled through his teeth and turned on his heels before disappearing down the hallway.

She glared at his back until he was out of sight and then looked over to Joey to see him already putting the action figures up and going and sitting on his bed.

"Do you need help getting ready bud?"

Joey shook his head. "No. My nanna is pose to come help me."

Rosaline raised an eyebrow at the word nanna knowing that he meant nanny. She cursed in her head at her mother for not having the time to watch Joey herself when she had all of the time in the world when dad was around. She knows all of this is Louis's fault but she's having a hard time not blaming her mother for at least a small part of it.

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