{Chapter 29}

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Chapter 29

Sorry if it seems I'm rushing the story along. I kind of just wanted to get to the parts that I've been waiting and couldn't wait any longer to write (•_•) Anywho don't forget to Vote Comment Follow and Share. Mostly comment. I love that stuff ;^)

'Tessa craned her head back to look at will. "You know that feeling," she said, "when you are reading a book, and you know that it is going to be a tragedy; you can feel the cold and darkness coming, see the net drawing tight around the characters who live and breathe on the pages. But you are tied to the story as if being dragged behind a carriage and you cannot let go or turn the course aside."

His blue eyes were dark with understanding - of course Will would understand - and she hurried on. "I feel now as if the same is happening, only not to characters on a page but to my own beloved friends and companions. I do not want to sit by while tragedy comes for us. I would turn it aside, only I struggle to discover how that might be done."

You fear for Gem," Will said.
"Yes," she said. "And I fear for you, too."
"No," Will said, hoarsely. "Don't waste that on me, Tess."'

The sound of the library floorboard creaking had Rosaline's head snapping up from her book and looking around. She was so into the story that she wouldn't have noticed a single body entering.

"Hello?" She called out into the quiet.
There was no reply. She looked around seeing nothing out of place before she tried to go back to her book only to hear something that sounded like a snort a minute later. Feeling anxiety rush through her she jumped up from the couch and turned around while narrowing her eyes. She surveyed her surroundings again to see if someone was hiding somewhere she couldn't see. She stepped around the couch and called out again, "Hello? Is someone there?"

Another creak behind her had her facing the couch to see nothing and she quickly turned back around only to scream at the top of her lungs. Abellon grinned and let out a deep chuckle.

"And that, my love, is how you frighten someone."

"My word man! You almost gave me a damn heart attack!"

He smiled and simply brought her into his chest while inhaling her scent. "I'm sorry, love."

He heart calmed and she brought her arms around him putting her face into his hard chest.

"I thought you and Rhyvos were busy?"

"We are. I came to let you know that we are going to be away longer than before."


"You know why. We are trying to get a lead on Louis's location, and some other things."

She sighed and then groaned into his chest. She didn't want to seem clingy but she wanted them at her side 24/7. The three could just sleep, eat, talk, laugh and repeat for all she cared.

"Why don't you go and hang out with your parents and Joey. The time will pass by quicker."

"Can't. They left."

"They left?"

"Yes. They went to the small town in the early morning to do something. I'm not sure. They asked if I wanted to go but I turned them down since I thought I would stay in bed all day. Rhyvos said they could go and sent them off with several guards."

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