{Chapter 17}

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Chapter 17

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Gasping Rosaline sat up with a panic. Every muscle in her body tensed. With her heart beating at an abnormal speed and a wave of anxiety and fear rushing over her she jumped up with a scream. She screamed until a hand was slipped around her mouth and then she began punching an kicking anywhere she could before the persons arm was wrapped around her holding both of hers down. Tears began to run down her face in streams as she screamed into the hand. Her mind was in a jumble and wouldn't let her try to comprehend what was all going on. Adrenalin pumped through her veins as she tried to get out of the persons vice like grip. She felt as her body was pushed back down onto whatever surface it was on and then felt the person sit on her chest using their legs to hold her arms down. The hand was removed from her lips and she screamed until a sharp pain hit her cheek whipping her head to the side.

All was quiet for a couple of seconds before the person on top of her spoke again.


Rosaline slowly opened her eyes and looked up. It took her a few seconds of careful examination to realize it was Darcy who stared down at her with eyes full of sympathy.

"I am so sorry Rose. You were going crazy and I didn't know any other way to snap you out of it. Please, forgive me."

The sound of the door slamming open had them both turning their head to see Abellon running in with Rhyvos behind him. He growled at Darcy and she immediately got off. He slipped his arms around Rose and hugged her to his chest.

Never has Abellon felt so much fear when Rose turned up missing out of nowhere and has stayed gone for several days. Him and Rhyvos have searched everywhere looking for a scent but it was as if she was never there. They had no idea how she could have disappeared with all of the guards around and then felt idiotic when they realized that she could have went through one of their many secret doors that led to the underground tunnels.

Pulling back Abellon held the girls face in his hands looking her in the eyes.

"You are going to be okay. The injuries to your back and anywhere else were healed by our blood though you might still feel a little sore. You have been unconscious for about two days now. How do you feel?"

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