Gay Games

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"So you both are really dating?"

Vlad was at work and couldn't wait to be out. Fyo's school was over for the holiday and he couldn't wait to be with the kid. They were going for ice-creams later.

"I wouldn't say dating, but we are okay with s-some stuffs." Stuart's voice shook but Vlad could still hear him loud and clear.

Vlad gasped and surprised himself with how dramatic it was. He immediately covered his mouth when he saw the people around his work space glance at him.

Smiling at Cherri beside him on the front desk, he excused himself and went into a hallway. As he faced the wall to hide himself from the other nurses and doctors walking about, he said, "What do stuff mean?"

"Oh lord, Vlad. This is embarrassing to talk about. How about I call you later?"

Vlad's eyes widened and he quickly thought of something they must have done or could be easy to do. "Uh, Hand job? Did he give you hand job or blow job?" Vlad tried to say it as quietly as possible since one of his 'friends' passed by him.

"Hey Vladimir. Ziz iz a good day, no?" Theo chuckled at his poor imitation of Vlad's accent. The bastard.

"Zeo, not now."

He glared at the man then went back to ignoring him when Stuart spoke. "Oh I don't know. I've got Mariam here so I can't say exactly. Why do you want to know anyway? What the fuck? Why am I telling you this?"

Vlad frowned. "You said your kid is with you? You just cussed before her."

There was a lot of rustling coming from the speaker then he spoke again as if after breath, "Yeah and now Leon is after me. You happy?" Then he hung up before Vlad could answer.

Vlad sighed. He hated the way the stupid Aussie left him curious. How had he even managed to get Leon to do anything to him? Especially since Leon had wanted to leave because of him.

If only he hadn't gotten drunk the other day and made Andres like this.

It had been a week since Vlad had done anything with the man. The dirty Colombian had locked himself in his office and the only time they had seen was when Vlad had brought something for him to eat. Every time he called he would use the excuse that he was busy but Vlad knew better. Tomorrow was their last date and Vlad wanted it to be very different from the last one and somehow, move them forward in their relationship.

     Vlad had officially given up on trying to leave. Since his inactive 'unny bun refused to come home, he had used his free time to check everywhere for a passport. Any passport at all. But like Stuart had said, there was nothing. And like Stuart, he was giving into what he was feeling.

     Sighing, he slid his phone into his pocket and walked back to the front desk. Cherri, a middle aged woman with short black hair and an annoying smile, grinned at him. "Hey you. Was that hunny bun? I'd like to meet him."

Vlad forced a smile at her especially when Theo came to stand beside her. Vlad was already expecting it so when he started using his accent, he was not surprised. "Yes. Ve should have one big get together." He winked at him. "You know, just the adults. No kids."

"Maybe we should, Zeo." Vlad smirked

"It's Theo. T H E O not Zeo. Don't call me, Zeo."

     Theo was as Indian as they came. Brown skin, short silky brown hair and with a very deep accent. He sounded funny with the accent but no one ever judged mostly because Vlad had his back whenever they tried to imitate his accent. Theo hated when they made fun of his accent but never once ignored the attempt to make fun of Vlad's. He was a hypocrite.

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