
101 15 9

« Loser ! »

« Asocial ! »

« Nerd ! »

« Idiot ! »

« Swot ! »

« Refusal ! »

« Cretin ! »

« Four eyes ! »

They were all things that I was used to feel. They did hurting, an evil similar to when you receive a shot in the face, but I had ceased to fight. I had given up.

They found thousand ways for judge me : a loser, a dreamer, a belch, an abomination, a disaster.

I was ashamed of myself, because I'm not enough for nobody, because somebody like me represents just a burden, a nuisance.

I stayed closed in myself, unable to react to the shit that me was near. Maybe instead was I the shit that it was around people.

Often I laughed alone, I laughed loudly till to make my eyes tears, I laughed loudly for not feel my heart break. I didn't know for how long I would be able of resisting, but something would be change.

I would be had to change.


AUTHORESS : ff_world

Fake || Marcel Styles (English version)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ