9 - Message

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I brought the mysterious package in my room and I supported it on the bed. I opened it , and I found there the  magenta color dress that I had tried in the store. Was not possible ! I took it , overjoyed , and I tried it .

Was the right size . I watched me in the mirror, and I made the rounds of the room with the intention to walk like a model, a walk which soon it has proved to be more of a lame duck walk. But it mattered little to me, I loved that dress, ,it made me feel beautiful.

Suddenly I paused. My smile faded however after I remembered the price. It was a really expensive suit , I could not accept. Marcel did not have due do for me this gift. How could I be so selfish?

I put again the pajamas and I folded the beautiful dress to put it in the box. A slip of paper at the bottom of the pack caught my attention, i took it and I read :

If you are reading this note means that you're going to bring the suit in store for the price. I have learned to know you know? Do not do it Kris, do it for me . It makes me happy to make you happy, believe me , and returning this gift will not improve anything. Keep it please. Think of it as a dress that you can wear only in my presence. Will be special.

Marcell xxx

I smiled mentally : there were no limits to the sweetness of this guy. I took a needle and attacked the note by Marcel on a wall facing the desk, near to a thousand post-its and reminders. After that, I went to sleep.


The third day of school was not much different from the other two and I did not know even move at my leisure in the plant, but at least at my side I had Marcel.

That day was still wearing those clothes from "nerd", but at least he had put the contact lenses and he had left his adorable curly rather than slather liters of gel. He already had a different look.

« I decided to carry out the new look with calm, you know ,It will be hard to say goodbye at my shirts and my moccasins.I loved them. », he whispered with dreamy eyes and giggling.

I raised my eyes for his joke pitiful, which in truth it was not even a joke.

« You're already much better. At least now without those huge glasses you can see your face. », I emphasized the last part of the sentence.

He looked at me doing the mock offended and I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

« I joked idiot. You're beautiful.»,I assured him.

He smiled.

« I'm a nerd terribly sexy admit it. », he watched me so clever and mischievous. I still had to get used to his more open behavior towards me.

«Maybe.», I reciprocated his gaze.

We walked up the center aisle and I saw some girls indicated he , but I don't have paid much attention. I hated having eyes on me, but I found out that I was even more annoyed by the eyes on Marcel.

We walked front of Malik and his gang, and I could swear that I saw him grin. I wondered what he was planning in his perverted mind and demented, and at the only thought I shuddered . Was hard having to keep hidden the "relationship", if you could call it that, between me and Zayn. But I did not want to talk about it with the hedgehog, he did not deserve it.

Maybe I would have not admitted even to myself, but Zayn terrified me. He was ruthless,more than I had ever imagined, and know that he would keep an eye out me at all times was scary. How much longer yet he would have blackmailed me? As long as he would have wanted,he would have treated me as his personal toy,and I could do nothing to stop it. I overcame he, quickly haughtily,avoiding of crossing his face from slaps. I hated him, I hated it as I had never hated anyone. A few minutes later, I received a message. It was that one to break me down.

FROM : unknown

Meet me in the bathroom at 2 o'clock, if you do not want to Styles happen something unpleasant.


AUTHORESS : ff_world

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