2- Invitation

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"Already I know what saved me then will kill me"


POV Kristen

«Someone has perhaps asked you to comment  ?!» I exclaimed shocked.

In the class fell down the absolute silence, I felt everyone's eyes on me, including those of Marcel and of that idiot, which initially he opened her eyes but then chuckled smugly. I entered by not even ten minutes and already I wanted to smash someone's head, perfect.

« Therefore the new girl is not only sexy, but is also aggressive !», he did laugh the whole class except me and Marcel. He was going to meet a very slow and painful death.

«And you'd be?» I asked with contempt, ignoring the words he had just used to describe me.

«Malik, Zayn Malik, sweetness .» He replied proudly.

I watched him. It is a really nice guy, I am to admit , he had the Asian features that distinguished him from the rest of the class, and two beautiful eyes, but it was really, really irritating and conceited. It was unbearable. I was not one of those people who judge by appearances, but Zayn I doing come up my killer instinct.

«Well Malik, if you don't want to have problems, You should leave in peace Marcel. I found his thesis very deep and interesting but I kept my opinion to myself. Next time do the same.»

The silence that reigned on the class was soon replaced by a series of applause, including that of the professor. I felt strange. What they have to applaud? I had only defended a mate. Malik looked at me with an air of revenge but ignores it. I wasn't afraid of him.

I turned to Marcel, that in the meantime he looked me so strange,and I did not know why. It did not seem to have done nothing wrong, indeed, i had also helped he. All of a sudden I felt guilty for being intervened : perhaps he preferred do it alone. But if with do it alone means ignoring insults, what kind of solution is it?

Suddenly the bell rings, and the lesson ended as my thoughts. I had to leave the courtroom.



I wanted to disappear, to hide forever and no longer be found. What an idiot I was! I had not even thanked the red, Kristen, for having defended me . Damn my extreme shyness, she was nerve-racking I could not open his mouth for the fear.

I walked in the corridors deep in my thought, or rather reproaches, when I bumped into someone. Kristen fell to the ground. Oh my God, I thought. What a disaster!

«Sorry, I didn't want, I'm sorry » I say stammering. Wow, I was able to make progress. I helped her to get up, ashamed as I had ever been. Why I always do the worst figures ?

«It 'does not matter.» she said gently. Her voice made me calm, I fill my lungs with air.There was an embarrassing silence, then she took the word.

«Marcel, have I done wronged? If you did not want to be helped you had to tell me ...»

I smiled.She was more worry of having created me problems that angry because I haven't dared to thanked her. That girl was beautiful.

«Oh no, thank you. I'm not very good at defending myself. I'm sorry if I'm not thanked you before but this is the first time that someone takes my defenses ...» I replied making me courage. Bit by bit the words began to make inroads with more simplicity.

The girl began to smile and my heart skipped a beat, or perhaps thousands, did not know it for sure so I was paralyzed.

«You're not very brave true?» she chuckled.

«In no way.» I admitted.

«Now I should go, I have lesson.» said embarrassed.

I nodded. Part of me is relieved that were to go, the red definitely put me under pressure, but the other hand, most important,I didn't want to let her go. Next to her I felt at ease, and all my faults, shyness, agitation, fear, embarrassment, no longer mattered. For the first time in my life, I felt that something was changing.

She greeted me with a wave of his hand and passed me, heading for his classroom. Suddenly she turned around in my direction.

«You like to come from me this afternoon? We could study together, if you like.» she screamed.

It was the first time I've been invited into someone's home. Especially to a girl's house. For a few seconds I thought I had dreamed, it was impossible that all this was happening to me.

«Yes sure!», I smiled satisfied and she disappeared.



Marcel was a really weird guy. Not only for its appearance, but also for his character. Yet there was something about him, I do not know what, that attracted me.

I was glad to invite he, seemed like a good person, it was unfair that was judged only for its looks nerd.

I walked down the center aisle, strangely empty, going to the classroom of math, when a hand shoved me against the wall making me groan of pain.

« You wouldn't have had to put against me, doll»



AUTHORESS : ff_world

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