5 - First phase

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Two days later.


I went out house soon in the morning, although it was Saturday and I had very, very sleep.

I and Marcel we go shopping, and I could not wait. He really needed a fresh look.

He lives just a block from home,and this allowed me to go to his house on foot.

It was a hot day of mid-June, my favorite month. I loved the outskirts of London, was a quiet and comfortable place to live as opposed of the city center.

I arrived in a short time at my destination and I played the intercom.

Opened the door a girl, blonde, tall and very beautiful. She must have had a few years older than me, I felt very intimidated.

She was in pajamas: probably, indeed certainly I had woken her.

I lowered my gaze embarrassed.

But who could it be? Marcel had never mentioned a girl in school during our speeches.

«May I help you ?», she asks gently yawning.

«I'm looking for Marcel. I'm a friend of hers. », I said timidly.

Her eyes widened surprised and looked at me like I was an alien.

What was there strange excuse?

«Marcel is in his room, on the second floor, dear. And really nice to meet you,anyway , I'm Gemma, his sister.», she smiled.

Oh, then it was her sister.

«I'm Kristen, it's a pleasure also for me.», I showed up in my turn returning the smile, after I entered. in the house.

I climbed the stairs and I walked down the hall to get to a white door.

I knocked but got no answer.

I opened the door and I found myself in front of me a really adorable scene: Marcel who was sleeping like a log.

Her brown hair, without around the gel, had become beautiful curls. It looked like a little angel.

I smiled tenderly.

« Marcel, wake up.», I whispered softly.

He moved lazily, after he opened his eyes. He turned towards me, and when he realized of my presence winced.

«Kris ?! What are you doing here ?! »

«We have to go shopping remember ? », I snorted.

«Um ... at seven in the morning? », he snorted in turn.

«You'll thank me. But now come on.», I reply.

He took off the blankets off, remaining in shirtless and boxers and I nearly started to drool. There, in front of his eyes.

Marcel was not at all what I had expected physically.

The chest was muscular and covered with all kinds of tattoos. Among the most obvious there were a giant moth on the belly, accurate in the smallest details and really very large, two large leaves under the belly and two symmetrical swallows in old school style.

But I not asked anything about it, assuming that most likely every one of those tattoos had a deep and personal meaning. It was damn sexy !

« You all right? »,he asked, frowning

« Em...? No, namely yes, yes I'm fine »,I closed my mouth and tried to recover.

«This is for you.» I launched the pouch.

He opened it.

« Contact lenses ? », he asked.

I nodded.


«Try these. », I ordered.

« I think I know pick alone at least the boxer, Kristen.», he chuckled.

I looked at him menacingly and he raised his hands in the air in surrender.

«It's ok , it's ok I go, you do not need make that face. You scare me.», he entered into a dressing room.

I smiled mentally : I knew very well, was not just Marcel at changing.

AUTHORESS :ff_world

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