Chapter Seven: Rejection

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Chapter Seven: Rejection

Note: (L/F/S) = Least favourite subject

The next day, (Y/N) went to her locker to grab her things for English class. She was half sure Gohan only as her as a friend. Or maybe something more.

But definitely not a crush.

She sighed as she shut her locker door and turned to see Videl suddenly standing there.

Frowning, she snapped, "What do you want?"

"I'm sorry for what I did yesterday. It was a total freak accident," Videl said, "I hope you don't take it to heart."

Yeah right, "freak accident" all right, (Y/N) thought to herself. She really wanted to give Videl a slap!

"It's okay. I've recovered," (Y/N) told her, playing along with Videl's charade.

Suddenly, Videl's eyes widen and her mouth formed a wide grin as she glanced over (Y/N)'s shoulder.

"It's Gohan!" she squealed and she took off running past (Y/N).

(Y/N) turned around and saw that Videl was right. Gohan was there, with Videl hugging onto his arm while talking to him.

No, scratch that. She was clinging onto his arm, flirting with him, and giving him and affectionate gaze. Typical popular girls and their weird and disgusting ways of getting their crush to like them.

However, just seeing the girl flirt with him made her nauseous yet hurt at the same time.

Blinking back her tears, (Y/N) turned around on her heel and was proceeding to walk away when a voice stopped her dead in her tracks by saying, "(Y/N)!"

Of course.

It was Gohan.

She stopped in her tracks and turned around before giving him her "best" smile and said, "Hey Gohan!"

He rushed up to her with Videl lagging behind, shooting her death glares at the same time.

"Wanna go to class together?" he asked hopefully.

Videl, who was standing behind him, frowned and folded her arms. There was a deadly glint in her eye, as if saying, "Don't you dare say yes."

Upon seeing this, (Y/N) gave her a smirk and said to Gohan, "Sure!"


In FCE (Food and Consumer Education, typically called Home Economics), (Y/N) was standing at her counter, minding her own business, when Videl walked up to her.

"Listen here, you b*tch (yeah, I censored it out)," Videl growled, "Stay away from my man, or you'll be sorry!"

"Is your man Sharpner?" (Y/N) asked her, just to fire her up, "And I'm already sorry your breath smells like you had beans for breakfast!"

"Gohan's my man, you hear?!" Videl yelled, "Now stay away, or you'll be sorry!"

(Y/N) just rolled her eyes and said, "Go rant elsewhere, because I don't want people to think I've got bad breath."

"How dare you!"

She raised her hand and was about to send it flying down to (Y/N)'s cheek when the teacher walked into class. Quickly, Videl let her hand drop down to her side.

"Don't think you can get away with it," she growled lowly before walking back to her seat.


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