chapter 7 cheating & spys

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What happen last time

"Finally your here"sakura said and smirk

Present time

"Miss me baby?" the mysterious man said as he brought his hands lower on sakura body sakura brought her hands up to his face and felt his round glasses "of course.....kabuto" (sorry couldn't think of anyone else) she said as he chuckle and kissed her she kiss back and then pulled away from him she giggle alittle and look at him.

"Were you jealous of sasuke" she said in a teasing voice he growl when she said sasuke name "of course I'm but why are you dating him?" he asked sakura sigh and explain everything to him "thats why he not gonna know what hit him" she smirk again then look at kabuto wrist "you idiot put your selves down!" she demanded he smirk and gave her a peck on the lips "why i want everybody to know that your mine and that i fuck you~" he said in a deep husky voice "doesnt matter okay just dont be flashing the tatoo and come on we need to get out of here before sasuke gets suspicious" she left with kabuto behind her.

Little did they know was a certain blonde hair girl was recording them "i...cant believe it i got to tell the gang" she got out of the restrooms and ran towards the cafeteria.

"GUYS I GOT SOMTHING FOR YOU TO HEAR!" ino yelled the gang turn to her and saw her phone "i think sakura is dating kabuto" ino confess naruto gave her a confuse look and she sigh "i know its hard to believe but look here" she showed her phone and played the video.

Video (im gonna put the explaining part okay)

"Of course I'm but why are you dating him?" kabuto asked sakura pinch the bridge of her nose and started to explain "cause im just useing him for the past three years and it was good that naruto wasnt there he would've ruin my plans and tell sasuke and the dating also that i just want his money i only like him when i was little okay when i found out he was rich i was just gonna ask him for money and break up with him" sakura finished explaining kabuto smirk and kissed sakura "c'mon we have to go before sasuke gets suspicious" she left tje rest with kabuto behind her.

End of video

Everyone was shock but at the same time not they knew how sakura was from the started "what should we do?" ino asked everybody was confuse but naruto wasn't he growl deeply he walk away from his friends and towards to sasuke. He slam his hands on his table that startled him naruto smirk and look at him "i thought your were smarter then that uchiha" naruto growled at his last name sasuke gave him a confuse look "what the hell does that mean?" sasuke asked naruto smirk grew widely and look at his onyx eyes with his blue ocean like eyes "that sakura is che-" naruto was push against the wall by kabuto and sakura was with sasuke now "what the hell...kabuto? Let me go!" naruto growled kabuto smirk and punch naruto in the stomach naruto eyes widen and started to cough up little blood "not a chance uzumaki and ill like you to keep your mouth close cause if you dont I'll just hurt your friends one by one"  kabuto repiled he kick naruto with in the stomach again with his knees,naruto friends ran towards him but kabuto stop them he punch naruto friends over and over naruto anger began to build up he saw his own friends get hurt cause of him "NO LEAVE THEM ALONE IM THE ONE YOUR FIGHTING NOT THEM" naruto growled in anger his eyes turn into a blood like eyes and kick kabuto in the stomach sending across the cafeteria "IM NOT GONNA LOSE ANYMORE FRIENDS CAUSE OF SAKURA!" he yelled loudly everybody was full of fear except his friends "so your still a monster....." sasuke said naruto eyes twitch when he heard sasuke said that naruto ran up to him and punch him across his face everybody was shock "HOW CAN YOU DO THAT TO YOUR BEST FRIEND!" everybody yelled naruto growl again the kyuubi was almost taking over him "YOU CALL THIS BASTERD A BEST FRIEND I THOUGHT HE WAS MY BESTFRIEND BUT HE BETRAY ME AND LEFT ME ALONE NO BEST FRIEND THOSE THAT!" naruto walk away and ran outside to clam down.

"He is such a monster" sakura and sasuke said kiba glare at them and started walking towards them "you still calling him a moster the monster here is you sasuke and sakura not him" kiba ran outside along with his friends to be with naruto.
'what the hell their just wasting their time on that demon....damnit this pain on my face hurts like hell' sasuke began to rubbed the side of his face and sakura started to talk to some of her friends. Sasuke was feeling somthing inside of him towards naruto but couldn't put his finger on it.

(with naruto)
'this is happening again....everybody still hates me' naruto thought he went towards a brick wall and kick it making it with a little crack on it "NARUTO!" naruto heard voices calling out he turn around and saw his true friends they ran towards him and stop to catch there breathes.

"Naruto are you okay?" gaara asked naruto nodded for a yes and smile brightly at his friends "come on lets go back inside before they get mad" kiba said as he extended his hand out to naruto,he galding took it and ran inside the school to there next class.

"Naruto,can you answer this question?" asuma-sensei asked naruto look up and went up to the board and thought for a while "the answer is ×+04" he wrote and went back to his seat,everybody mouth was hang open and had there eyes looking it was going to pop out of there eyes.


Everybody quickly got up and ran out the door and ran out of the school "hey naruto since we don't have school do you wanna go out on a date tomorrow?" a girl ask she move her leg and her face was red like a tomato he twiddled her thumbs waiting for naruto to repiled "um sorry....i was just going to stay home and be with my friends sorry...." he repiled,he walk away while leaving the girl heartbroken he sigh and walk towards his house.


Hey guys hope u love it

-shygirl out ✌-

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