4: Arrival

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Sqaisheys pov

I woke up. It was 8am. Joe lay sleeping beside me. His lashes were long and his brows were almost perfect. My back felt stiff as I touched his face to wake him up, he opened his eyes slowly, adjusting to the light.
"Morning Joe." I murmured.
"What time is it?" He asked, sitting up. He pulled the duvet up slightly to cover his stomach.
"It's eight." I said, covering myself.
"Okay." He wiped his brow, sighing.
He got out of bed and put his pyjamas on, as did I.
Joe started to make breakfast as I sat resting my back on the sofa.
"Big cuppa tea for you then?" I asked him,
"Oh yes! I'll make the toast.. Bacon on the grill?"
We sat down on the sofa eating our food, sipping our tea and chatting, Joe then called Netty, his sister, as he hadn't told her yet.
I saw his eyes water as he called, she said that she would be fighting too, and his other sister would be going to work in the hospitals.
After he hung up he went into our bedroom.
I sat on my phone, looking at the pictures that everyone had sent.
Iballisticsquid tweeted a picture of himself frowning, wearing his uniform, as did Ash, Tom, James, Amy and many others. I felt like I was the only one not going.
Joe came out in his uniform. It was quarter to eleven. I broke down into tears.
He walked up to me, put his hands around my waist, I put my hand on his chin and he closed his eyes, brushing his lips against mine and closing them slowly.
I looked him in the eyes, "now I know how they felt in the world wars, it's all the same."
He pulled out his phone, "they didn't have this in those wars, I'll text you when I can."
He showed me his go-pro, he said that he would put it just below his helmet so you could see his reaction and what he was doing, but not the land around him.
There was a knock on the door.
My heart tensed.
Joe answered it before waving at me and walking outside the door.
"Wait!" I cried, running after him. I kissed him, his luscious lips locked with mine as I chewed on his tongue, he put his hands on my cheeks before saying,
"Take care of yourself."
"No, you!" I cried back.
A tear ran down his face, but he wiped it away.
"You told me yourself. You only happen once, enjoy this happening."
He took his hands from my face.
He jumped into the truck.
And then he left.
And that was the last I saw of him for a long, long time.

Stampys pov

I was with a lot of other men and women from Chichester.
"Hello my name is John Newman, you'll call me captain during battle but now you can just call me John." It was the man who gave me the letter, there was a murmur of "hi John."
"So, I know your all upset right now after leaving family and loved ones, but we have to get serious. The seekers have bombed almost every city, we will be taking the plane to France, where there is apparently a group of about 300 of them there. Known weapons that they've got are grenades, dynamite and guns We will be joining with some other people from the rest of the U.K, you won't be staying in these groups. We'll let you go with some friends of yours that may be in the U.k, but for now I'm going to hand out your equipment."
We were handed basically a modern version of a "walkie talkie" it was placed in our ears and we would connect it to our friends' radio numbers and our captain's. We were then handed a waterproof bag pack which had water bottles, a bullet proof shield, a bullet supply, pairs of gloves, wire clippers, socks, and a first aid kit including bandages, plasters, tweezers, Cotten buds, head ache tablets. We were then handed a rifle, we were showed how to use it in the lorry, but we didn't fire it, obviously.
We were then handed a smaller hand gun and were told how to attach it to our belt.
We were given a knife, we were told it was only for last resort if the enemy was right by you and you were out of bullets.
I filmed from my go-pro as I walked onto the plane. You could only see my face and the ground below it as I didn't want to give away any information on where I was going, incase a seeker was watching my video.
When no one was near me I looked to the go pro.
"So.. So I'm going on the plane now.. I admit I'm scared but.. But yeh. I've got everything ready- I should be meeting up with my friends when I get off the plane in a couple of hours.." I stopped recording and walked on the plane.
I sat on my phone for some of the plane journey. I was looking through Twitter when I got a text from David,
Hey stamps, in France, are you heading that way too? D.
I texted back,
Yep, heard we can choose groups, wanna be in one with the rest of the gang? J.

That's what I was gonna ask you, I'm with Tom, and James, Amy has just arrived, we stay here with the rest of the army tonight in a camp. D.

Well I'll be another hour or so, see you there. J.

I put my phone away when John started to speak,
"Right we'll be landing in about half an hour, we will then get into a truck and take about a fifteen minute drive to the campsite where you will be united with the rest of the U.K crew."
We nodded and waited. I texted Beth,
How are you Beth? Just on the plane now I'll call you when I get to the site x. J.

No response. I guess she was doing something else.

We landed eventually, and went straight into the truck. I was then asked a question when we got there,
"Hey do you do YouTube?" I looked over the the man beside me, I think his name was Josh.
"Yeh, I did." I admitted, knowing that these people aren't the generation that would have heard of me,
"Yo stampylonghead?" He asked,
"I was.."
"Didn't you have like a million followers?"
"Mm... Seven million..." I corrected, almost breaking a smile.
"That's crazy man, what did you do?"
"I basically just did let's plays and people seemed to li-"
The doors opened. We had arrived.

Conveniently Amy, James, Tom and David were waiting for me when we drove in.
"Hey mate, you lookin' well." David said, resting his elbow on my shoulder,
"Nice t'see y'all," I said, "well.. Wish we didn't have to see each other in this way but.."
"How about Beth?" Amy asked, I tensed, James patted my shoulder, "it's hard.. I know."
"Just.. I left her with a broken back.." Squid looked away, putting his hands on his hips, looking up, trying to keep back tears,
"You alright Dave?"
"Yeh.. I just.. Nicole she's.. She told me just before I left that she was pregnant."
"What?!" Tom stepped in,
"Seriously?!" James asked, Amy and I stood back.
"Just sad that it's not gonna have a dad in his life... Well not its real dad. I'm sure she'll find someone else."
"David," I stepped in, I was almost crying, "don't be pessimistic, just.. Just try your best, alright?" I put my hands on his shoulders, We group hugged before we were given a big nudge,
"Hey guys!" Ash broke us apart and grabbed James and David by the shoulders,
"Hey Ash."
"It's so weird everyone wearing this uniform, it's like school."
"Yeh, with the big bag packs too." Amy added.
I then got a call, it was Netty.
"Hey Netty, where are you?" I asked,
"The big busy place, oh, France. Where are you?"
I m gave a chuckle at her obliviousness before I told her,
"Yeh I'm there, umm, do you see the big wooden pole with the French flag?" I looked to the pole we were leaning against,
"Y- yeh where some of the trucks are coming in?"
"Yep, just there, that's where we are."
"Okay, yeh I'm on my way."
"Right, bye."
I put my phone in my pocket, in the distance I saw Netty, I waved to catch her attention, it took a while but when she saw it she waved back and ran to us.
"Hi Netty." I said,
"Hiya Joe. Hi guys." Everyone exchanged hugs with her.
"So what's Rachael doing?" I asked Netty about our older sister,
"Haven't got a clue, but I think she's working as a war doctor."
"Jeez, hope she doesn't get hurt." I sighed, my sister and I never really spoke much, but I still cared about her, nevertheless.
It was nighttime, we sat up in the tent and I was just brought to think about Beth. I was beginning to miss her, so I rang her.
"Hey Beth,"
"Joe! Joe are you okay?"
"We're fine, we're fine."
"There was an attack in Paris, where are you?"
"Paris?! We are in Normandy.. But.. You sure?"
"It's all over the news, 90 people confirmed dead, the seekers."
"I guess this is World War III then.." Beth sighed,
"I guess so.. Anyway do you want to say hi to everyone, James, Dave, Tom, Amy, Ash and Netty are here."
"Oh really?! Hi guys!"
"Hi Beth!" Everyone replied,
"Awk I hope your gonna be okay, guys."
"Hope so too, but life is life. We just gotta live it." I sighed,
"Okay, well I'm gonna love you and leave you,"
"Love you Beth." I said, my heart breaking,
"Love you too." She replied.
I hung up. Sighing. I then decided to vlog.
"My god your vlogging war?" Squid laughed,
"Yep," I said, "Stampy still gotta have content, no matter if it's dead bodies."
"So I've arrived, some of the gang are here, as you can see." Everyone waved,
"So we are staying here for a while, I don't wanna give away too much information because.. Who knows who could be watching.."
"Yeh, be careful what you film, mate." David said,
"I am very careful, my go-pro is stuffed up my helmet so you can only see my face."
"Okay okay.." Squid sighed,
"Anyway I'll leave you for now, I think we'll be going to bed soon anyway.. So yeh, see you all later," I didn't bother doing the big excited "BYYEEE!" Because I was terrified. I was truly terrified.

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