50: Investigation

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My dad once told me that cats had nine lives, in Stampy's (my cats) life, he was once a builder and he had friends like a squid, a bear, and a duck called Sqaishey. I watched my cat die three years ago, I watched him pass onto his next life, wherever it is.

I walked up the stairs back into my room. I sat on my bed and rested my head in my hands. Ash sat down beside me. Putting an arm around my shoulders.
"I can't believe this." I sighed, "I hope they'll be alright."
"I hope so too." Ash said.
"Do you wanna just y'know.. Not go to the party." I suggested,
"Yeh.. Why don't we just play a game?" Ash suggested,
"Alright, my dad has loads in his office in here." I walked into his office, he hadn't used it in ages. There were a few posters of orange cats here and there, I was still really confused by that, I thought it was art of a game he really liked.
I turned on an old device called the XBOX 360.
"The Xbox three-hundred and sixty, hmm, I feel like I've heard of it before, I like the controller, oh my god it's so old fashioned! " ash said, laughing.
"What are his recent games.. Okay, Halo, Minecraft, Call Of Duty.."
"I like the sound of minecraft. Can we play it?" Ash asked,
"Yeh... Umm.. Press A."
"Oh so it's like a building game I think, and you have worlds, what are his worlds called."
"Sketch book world, Cave Den.. Stampy's Lovely World.. Go on that one, that's what my old cat was called, it says last saved 29th December 2015, wow, that's a long time before we were born."

We looked on it, we were in a room, with white walls and blue flooring.
"This is weird, it's all.. Made of cubes. Are all the worlds made of cubes?"
"Looks like it."  Ash said, looking around at the world.
"You're getting the hang of it." I deduced.
"So this is what my dad used to play. Looks pretty cool, he made a lot, I wonder how long it took him to make everything."
"Couple of days maybe, don't know how quick you can build. Wait a second, how is that floating? Pretty bad gravity, all the early 2000 games have those kind of weird graphics, didn't realise how pixellated games could be." Ash estimated, I thought the same.
"But why is it.. Stampy's Lovely World?" I asked.
"Look! If I press this I see a yellow cat! Look!" Ash pressed down on one of the buttons.
"Wait- that looks exactly like this drawing on the wall."
"You.. You don't think that.. This artwork was done for.. Him?"
"So this is like.. Fan art?" I said,
"Emma, go on the computer and search Stampy's Lovely World."

I searched it, it immediately linked to a YouTube channel called StampyLongHead.

"Okay, it's got that same yellow cat on the thumbnail, I think it's him."
"Click on a video."
"Okay it's called.. cave den."
"Okay great."

We were quiet..

I then recognised a loud high voice...
"Hello this is Stampy and welcome back to Sqaishey and my.. cave den!"

"Sqaishey?!  Thats he..."

I recognised Sqaisheys voice too...

"Oh my god.. Mum.. Mum is Sqaishey.. She is part of this..."

"Wait look, look how many subscribers he has!"
"Eight million?! Oh my god! He was famous!" I was pretty sure my mascara was melting down my face,
"Click on another video!"
"This one is called.. quest.. Quest for Gerry the Flamingo.." I gave off a slight laugh but I was too in shock for any other emotion at the moment.

After a weird intro I recognised my dads voice.. Then another voice..
"That's my dad!" Ash said, "that's him!" 
We spent the rest of the night watching all of our parents videos and laughing, at the end of the night I was curled up on top of Ash, watching videos with tears in our eyes.
"So this is who they used to be, a long long time ago." I said, wiping away the sludges from under my eyes.

My mum walked into the room, she saw us watching an episode of quest, we turned around fast, but her face just said everything.
It was as if someone had scratched out every inch of her soul and unveiled it in front of her eyes.
"Mum.." I began, knowing that I should break the silence.
"I- I'm sorry..." She whispered, her eyes watering. I had never seen my mum cry. "I-"
She ran out of the room.

That night was an emotional night, finding out who we really were, finding out who our parents used to be, family friendly and world famous commentators. Who were coming together once again.

MagicAnimalClub: Happeningsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें