48: Explaination

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Ten years later.

Davids POV

This was an eventful day:
My beautiful, young, children...
Leaving home.
Off to university.

Rosie, the little genius, had got in to do medicine in Cambridge University. James had received an offer at a college in Edinburgh, so they were both leaving.

I was in the car, driving to the train station, with Nicole beside me and my three kids in the back seats- only they weren't kids anymore.
"I remember the first time I saw you two." I said, out of the blue.
"Was that when you were in hospital 'cos you'd been blown up?" Rosie asked, putting her phone back into her pocket and smiling at me, she was the image of her mother.
"Em.. Yep, yep that must have been it."  I laughed,
"You had quite a traumatic past." James pointed out,
"Well... Not really.. A few years while all you three were being born were pretty dodgy but the rest were alright." 
"Oh dad?" Rosie began,
"Remember when I was nine, and I asked about that person called Joe?" I rolled my eyes, indicating into another lane,
"How the heck do you even remember that?!" I gasped, my eyes wide as I looked to Nicole.
"Because you said he killed your dad, accidentally."
I heard a chorus of "WHAT?!" From the boys.
"Oh jeez.. Here we go again." Nicole said,
"Really guys? Now?!" I moaned.
"Come on! What happened to our grandfather."
"Ash?" I said, getting his attention,
"You know Emily in your class?"
"I do.."
"I used to be best friends with her dad." I felt like I had just released all my secrets.
"Wha- really?! I'm going out with her!"
I turned around this time to face him in shock,
"Dad, just tell us everything." Rosie said. I looked to Nicole and she nodded.

"Right. So you two had just turned three and your mum was pregnant with Ash- no wait, you know what let's bring it right back-"

"So, when the war broke out I joined when your mum was pregnant with you two, I joined with a few of my friends. Amy, James, Ash, Tom, Netty and Joe and then we had our leader called John. Ash and Amy were shot, Tom, my brother was shot when we were caught, Netty was Joes sister, so would have been Emily's auntie, she was tortured, James died of an unknown injury- stabbed or something.. and it was left with just Joe and I. We were trapped in an underground trench because a toxic bomb had been let off on the upper ground, so we stayed under for a few months, when we finally got out we were caught in a massive battle, Joe started to fight this guy who.. Who was the seeker leader and it turned out that we knew him, old friend of ours.. Joe killed him, he was chased after, got his leg amputated and was in a coma for six months. When he woke up I was allowed to go home, but I went to Joes house first and we stayed there for a bit, then some guys went and blew up the house, so we went back to hospital then I saw you guys, and you just sat on top of me and fell asleep you little angels.  Yeh so after a while we all went back to Joes house and decided that we were going to move there, my mum then came down to see us and she told me that my dad had been taken by the seekers many years ago. Anyway, we were going out for dinner, we drove to a place by the sea, I was sitting beside Joe and kinda thought that we were being watched, you know that feeling? Anyway, turns out we were, Joe went to check it out, he came back in absolute shock so I went and asked him what happened, he said that the guy he apparently killed wasn't dead.. We went back up to Yorkshire to get our stuff to move to our new house, by this time I'm pretty sure that I proposed to your mum- but that's another story, you guys went with mum and I went on my own. On my way I got a call from Joe, he was all emotional and secretive saying that he was going to die before his child was born but he never told me why or what was wrong with him, in the end I just hung up. That night I went to Beth and Joes house and he was completely flipping- he completely beat me up." I gave a subtle laugh. "He was crazy... Next day he had a heart attack, I had an operation, we were all okay, Joe proposed to Beth and we organised our honeymoon, that's where Nicole went and told me Ash was on the way. Anyway, we met up with Beth and Joe, Joe was mental, he was so mental, he was keeping so many secrets and wouldn't tell me a thing. We organised that we'd go to California to meet the guy that Joe killed in person, but, Joe didn't want me to go, I went anyway, don't you worry. Remember when I told you about my dad being taken by the seekers, yeh, it was Joe who killed him. He was swapped last minute and killed. So yeh.. Joe and I got in a.. Little fight. Which got really out of hand.. To make things worse, I threatened the guy who was our friend, turns out he was streaming the whole thing live and it had over a thousand views. So yeh, that's how you three saved my life-"
I was surprised that I remembered that much. Even hearing myself say that brought back so many memories.
I hoped I'd never forget them.. but I could feel them leaving my brain already.. I was going to forget everything.
"Your dad was pointing a gun to his own head, if you guys weren't in the world, he could have been dead."  Nicole added, glancing over at me. I still loved her so much. Even after nearly 20 years of marriage. She was my whole world.

The kids stared in shock.
"Does this answer your questions?" I asked.
They just nodded, their eyes wide open. 
"Sorry I probably said too much." I admitted,
"No.. No it's .. "  James looked in shock, "so your never going to speak to Joe again, after all of that? Sixteen years ago, dad, can't you get over it?"
"Don't be stupid, we could have had a grandfather if he didn't kill him!"
"But it was an accident."

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