40: The Man I Killed..

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It was the evening before David and Nicole's wedding. Beth and I were getting ready. I was doing my hair and Beth was putting on her makeup. I wore a navy long-sleeved shirt and trousers. Beth wore a short black dress, she had a dark brown eyeshadow with a slight wing of her eyeliner packed with mascara, she smelt of foundation but was squirted with a lavender scented perfume. Her hair was curled at the ends and she wore a nude lipgloss.
We swapped from the bedroom to the bathroom constantly before we bumped into each other. We just giggled. She grabbed my collar and I pushed her up against the wall, kissing her. We laughed again before walking down the stairs. Beth grabbed a long black coat and I grabbed a blazer - we were ready to go.
I snatched the car keys to my Range Rover and climbed into the front seat. I put on some chilled music and set off, I looked at Beth and giggled some more.
Tonight I was going to get very drunk.
Beth had became more visibly pregnant, she was almost 4 months through and she was almost always happy about it. We had discovered that the baby was going to be a little girl, we still hadn't decided on a name, but after all we had about 5 months till she was due and we also had a wedding to plan!
I liked the name Emily, however Beth thought that she should be called Amelia or Annette after Amy Lee or Netty my sister.
When I arrived at Davids it was 7 o'clock. He had just put the kids to bed and Nicole was talking to a few people I recognised.
"Stampy!" I heard a call, it was Rosie! (Not 2 year old Rosie) it was the Rosie I used to play games with all the time and she had her own channel, we even went on holiday together!
"Rosie how are you!!" I hugged her before she went over and hugged Beth. David came out of the kids bedroom and pointed at me, "how you doin' bro?" He said in a pretend serious voice, "I doin' fine mother f-"
"Shh the kids!" Beth said cutting me off. We all laughed and I gave David a friendly nudge on the shoulder.
We walked into the kitchen where I saw a few familiar faces,
I spoke to Rosie's husband for a bit then to some of Nicole's friends and family. Then I got back to chatting with David,
"Hey stamps wanna go down to the pub?" He asked,
"This your stag night then?" I laughed, nodding.
David told Nicole we were off and we walked to the nearest pub, as soon as I went in I felt like I was being watched. However I didn't want the alert David on the night before his wedding.
"Stamps- what day is it today?" David asked me,
"It's the day before.. It's the thirteenth.. It's.. Oh my god..."
Suddenly then through the doors came about 20 people, the lights dimmed and candles on a cake lit up the room with many chanting "happy birthday"
I hadn't celebrated my birthday in such a long time and I had completely forgotten I even had one. I just laughed as they turned on the lights again and thanked them all.
I was 28 years old. I was so.. Old. Beth gave me a quick kiss on the lips as she handed me a cake. It has been decorated with lots of colourful pens written by everyone here, most of them said happy birthday with a heart or something along those lines.
"I was wondering what you were laughing about this morning!" I said to Beth,
"It was just the fact that you didn't realise it at all!" She giggled, I just laughed.
I then looked over to see a man at the other side of the room, in a white shirt. I recognised him.
When everyone else left apart from me and David it was David who pointed him out.
"Stamps is that the same guy that was in the bar in August?" He asked, putting his hand down and narrowing his eyes, I looked back and realised that he was walking closer, he was almost at our table when I put my drink down and stood up. I turned around to face the man. It was him.
"What do you want." I muttered, looking at him face to face,
"Come with me-"
"No! I'm not 'coming with you' on any 'secret talks' anymore. Whatever you wanna tell me tell me right here, right now."
The man left the bar, I looked at David, he nodded and I barged out of the bar after him.

Davids POV

After a couple of minutes I heard shouting from outside of the door. I rolled my eyes before walking outside, Joe and this other guy were having a vocal fight, Joe was in the middle of saying,

Little did I know that these words would effect me for the rest of my life.

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