30: Recollection

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Davids POV

I was back at the trench, Joe had tears in his eyes, John sat beside us. Joe was panting, he was crying, panicking however no one knew why.
Joe began to take out his hand gun, John and I stared in shock,
"Joe- Joe what is it?" I asked, but he put the gun against his head,
"Stop!" I yelled, scrambling to take it off him but it was too late..


My eyes opened wide, I shook away the fears of the night and looked out the dusty window. Pulling the curtains.
"Dave?" It was Nicole, I looked back at my fiancé and smiled,
"Welcome home."
I felt my nose tense and my eyes water, but no tears came out. I was back where I belonged, part of me wanted to stay here. Here in Yorkshire. But the other half knew that Chichester was best for me and the children.
I heard the loud, laughter of footsteps patting up the stairs to our bedroom.
The two kids jumped up on the bed beside us, before I heard two more footsteps, but they weren't like the children's..
Lily and Marley came skidding into our bedroom and jumped up on the bed beside us all and the cats, Ollie and Church timidly tip-toed.
I cuddled with my two beautiful dogs which I had reunited myself with. They remembered me. Church rubbed against my face but the other stood his ground, wisely.
James and Rosie crawled under the covers with Nicole and I. The dogs lay on top beside the cats that lay asleep. We had the whole family here. And i was so so happy.
I put my arm around my two children and the other arm around Nicole while I began to fall asleep again as the children lay softly and weightlessly on top of me.

Joes POV

I woke up, feeling somewhat alone however I had my girlfriend and.. And my child's mother beside me. I got out of bed, my heart stopped for a split second, it cramped and for less than a second I felt like I was going to die, but it was left fine, I felt fine afterwards, however it was still a little sore. I wondered what it was. It had happened before. I figured it didn't matter. However it was then that my vision went dark and I couldn't see.
I fell down to the ground.
Slowly I regained my vision and I started to stand up again,
"Joe?" It was Beth, I turned around,
"Yeh?" I replied,
"Come here a second."
I sat on the bed beside her, before she patted the pillow and I got back under the covers beside her,
"You okay?" She asked,
"Yeh I'm fine." I said,
"Did you just faint?"
"Stampy.." Oh remember that name.. "Do you love Dave more than you love me?"
"No..? No Of course not!" I put my arms around her, "David is my best friend, my best friend in the world, you, you are.."
"The next best thing.." Beth sighed,
"You're the best thing Beth, you're the thing that keeps me going, you're the commitment in me. You've got a child, we have a child, and when this child is born it will be the happiest moment of my life. Beth. You understand my love for you is different than for anyone else."
She stared at me,
"Beth. Where's your parents?"
She just continued staring but I could feel her emotion change,
"I.. I don't know."
"Haven't you kept in contact w-"
"There was an attack on their city, the police have been searching for over a year, but there is no sign. I don't know. They're probably dead Joe.."
I hugged her tightly, "I- I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

Davids POV

"Hullo everybody! This is Squiddy and welcome back to.. Another vlog!" I held the camera up high as I walked around the kitchen, "I'm back! I'm clean! I survived, I've got the cuts to prove I went!" I pointed out the several cuts on my face.
"So I'm making this video for just a bit of a cat..-" I looked around to see my two children chasing each other in the background. I smiled and laughed, "-just a bit of a... Catch up.."
"So those two little monsters are two years old, so they were born basically just after I left, so... So we lost Amy, Netty, Ash, James... Tom.." I moved on before I got emotional, "it's.. It's just me and stamps, believe it or not, first and last, we made it out together. Nicole and I are engaged, stampy and Sqaishey are having a kid, um, these burn marks, they aren't actually from, the war, it was when we got back to stamps' place some guy came and blew us up and stuff- it wasn't pretty. But i saw my beautiful family once again and that's that matters doesn't it? I mean I'd prefer not to have been blown up or most of all not lose my friends but.. Who knows.. Anyway, how have you been doing? You, sitting watching my videos again? Were you there from the start? Have you been here since before I met everyone, have you been here since before it all began? Most likely not, you've probably joined along the way somewhere, or maybe this is the first video of mine you have watched. My YouTube has really slowed down to a halt, and I don't want that. I'm gonna start doing little vlogs and start my channel up again. See- I remember my password, so that's a plus! I'm moving down near where stamps is with the family and the dogs and cats and spiders and all sorts! So I'll have a lot more videos with.. Okay you see the thing is.." I squeezed the outsides of my sinuses in irritation and sadness, "I don't feel ready to commit to this whole thing again without them, without my friends, like Ash ... I played with him like everyday, Amy too- she was there for such a long time, Tom he was my brother! I- I hope you understand guys, that I really can't do this alone. I've got stamps.. But I've got no one else. And no one will replace them, no one." I turned off my camera, unsure whether I should put it up or not. I looked at my two children, then looked outside it was starting to rain. I thought about showing my children my videos, but then figured that it was too early and that they were too young to understand.
"Daddy," it was James who came up to me,
"Yeh?" I replied, putting him up on my knee,
"Why do you have blue octopuses in your room?" I smiled at his capability of pluralism.
I just laughed, "it's a long long story James, I'll tell you one day."
He held out his smallest finger and squeaked, "pinky promise?"
"Would I ever lie to you?"
It turned out that James didn't actually know what 'lie' ,meant, he had the image of me lying on top of him, I suppose that now he knows that I also will not do that.
"What age will I be?" He asked with anticipation,
"Hmm.. We will see, maybe.. Eighteen?"
He looked confused at me. I forgot that he couldn't really count.
"-later." I concluded, satisfying James.. Sort of.

It was at this time I thought of my own dad..
Mum never did tell me what happened to him..

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