32: Tick tock

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I was sitting in bed on Twitter, flicking through social media, Squid was tweeting about how happy he was, and just as I was reading his tweets he rang me.
"Hello?" I responded,
"Hi mate!" He was, indeed, very happy.
"What's been going on squid, you're all over the moon!?"
"I like it when you call me squid- " he started, "well- are you doing anything on the 14th of December?"
"Em.. No?" I replied, confused,
"Well, you see, I'm getting married that day.. And I was wondering.. If you could maybe.. Be my best man?" My smile was bigger than my face, I was so unbelievably happy,
"Oh congrats! Course I will be mate! Where's it being held?"
"The place nearest to you."
"Oh right- so any plans on honeymoons or anything?"
"Yes actually-"
He explained all his dates and places he was going to,
"If you want to meet us at any of the places.."
"Well actually- I was going to Australia anyway in the next couple of months.."
"Well we are going just after Christmas, I'm gonna spend Christmas with the kids then the day after Boxing Day we are away, we'll be in Australia by about the 20th of January. If you wanna meet us there."
"Where abouts are you going?"
"Oh all over, Adelaide maybe, then down to Melbourne and Sydney, it would be a long drive but I'm sure it'll be worth it."
"Wow.." I sighed,  "well I'll have a look at the flights for around then, that's summer in the Southern Hemisphere isn't it, our winter is their summer?"
"Yep." He replied, "it'll be hot."
"Well you know I'd love to go and meet you around then." I said, looking on google for flight tickets. "So when are you coming down?"
"We are coming down the day after tomorrow, we've just got a few more things to pack up. I have hired.. You won't believe it stamps- a gigantic lorry, like seriously, it holds up to three cars and has so much storage room!"
"And how much did that cost?"
"For two days... Well.. A lot."
"Im sure it did, are you going to have enough room for all your cars in your new place?"
"Yeh! The garage is massive!"
"Epic! Well I'll see you when you come down- and congrats!"
"Thanks mate, see you in a couple days."
"Alright mate, bye."

I hung up smiling, "Beth?!" I called,
"Yeh?!" She called back from the kitchen,
"Help me make a speech!"
She ran into the room,
"When for?"
"14th December. Squids wedding." I stared at her in panic,
"You best man? Awk." She wrapped her arms around me, "just say some of the funny stories and how much he means to you." She said.
"Beth, they are going on their honeymoon to Australia for a bit, do you wanna go meet them there for a while?"
"Oh my god Australia?! I've always wanted to go there!"
"I've always wanted to go to Adelaide for some reason, we could meet them there then go on their little road trip to Melbourne and then let them go on their own for the rest of their holiday."
"That sounds amazing! But you know what I want to do now.."
"Go out and get some wedding gear!" Beth squeaked, I stumbled out of bed and threw on a shirt and trousers before we went out the door.
I wasn't really a 'wedding' person. I had been to one before, however it was when I was eight and I had to look away for all the 'romantic' parts.
I decided to stick to a black suit and tie, with a silk white shirt. Beth tried on various dresses from peach to black to white to blue.. She wore almost everything in the shop.
"Joe? What about this one?" She came out of he dressing room wearing a blue dress, "Beth you know I'm awful at choosing dresses." I said,
"Just put the okay ones to this pile" she pointed at a dress I said I liked, "and the others to another pile."
When she took it off I put it to the 'another' pile.
After so many annoying, "it's too big" "it's not my colour"s.. We finally settled on a light peachy colour. It was quite low yet modest. It looked quite loose and it had a translucent fabric all around it, it was just below knee-length. She hoped Nicole would not have a strict brides maid dress rule, but we all knew Nicole and knew at she probably couldn't care less about what people wore.
After we paid we decided to go out for some lunch, I ordered fish, as I had sort of forgotten what it tasted like. Beth ordered soup.
The fish.. It wasn't the best. It tasted slightly under done and a bit bland. I felt slightly sick. But I didn't want to tell Beth that so I just continued talking to her, about all sorts of things, from pizza to wine to YouTube to my sisters ex.. It was all a bit weird..
Then I felt really sick. So I told Beth I was going to the bathroom.
I went into a cubical, I then got a sudden pain in the chest. I fell to the ground clutching my aching chest before being sick.
I felt so awful and my breath stank. My chest felt better and it felt easier to breathe again. But I still had slight pains in my left shoulder.
I walked out of the bathroom.
"Joe you look really pale, are you alright?"
I sat down and wiped my brow, shaking my head, "home time?"

After I paid, we jumped back into the car and I drove back home, trying not to be sick.
I felt so awful, my throat was on fire. I insisted that I slept up in my old office so I didn't disturb Beth in the middle of the night, or give whatever I had to her.
She begged to differ, but I knew that she wanted to sleep separately too.

When I sat in my office on my bed, I pulled out my laptop and went on YouTube. I turned on my lights and turned on my webcam, and pressed film.

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