9: Little girl

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Stampys POV

The plane landed with a jolt. My eyes widened, I wanted to get out of here. Alive.
"Get out." The American said, we did what he asked without question after what happened last time.
"What are the seekers?" John asked, facing him, "who are you? Who do you work for?" He didn't sound demanding, to my confusion.
"Why'd I tell you? So you can tell the rest' ve you? I'll tell'ye when we rip your radios off and strip you naked with a gun in our hands." He yelled, Nettys eyes widened.
We were dragged into a base, it was cold. John whispered to me, "army base 12 from World War One. Tell everyone." I understood why immediately, so in the event of only one of us surviving, everyone would know who to call.
I whispered to Netty, she did to David and he did to James.
"Take the men," the Man said to his soldiers, "I'll take the girl."
My eyes widened, I felt sick, my breathing quickened, I looked at Nettys terrified face,
"What- what are you going to do to her?!" I yelled,
"Ooh... That's for me to decide. Now shut up." The man said, before dragging Netty away while she screamed.
Tears flooded my eyes, my sister, taken away, probably to get raped.
I thought of times Netty and I had when we were younger while we were dragged by our hands into a room.
I thought of Lee, seventeen, dead. Gone. Nothing.
I thought of Amy, I thought of Ash. I thought of everything that went wrong. Now Tom. Now Netty... Will I ever see her again?
All of a sudden we were out in a black cell as a group. Well- all four of us. John, James, David and I.
"Where are your weapons?" We were asked. They took our bags, our belts and our radios. We were now defenceless.
"Now remove all clothing."
"Remove all clothing." The man yelled. He took our handcuffs off us and stood in front of the door.
"you better just do as he says." John whispered to us. His grey eyes dulling.
Reluctantly we unzipped our suit. But I had a plan. I wasn't ready to give up yet.
I faced the back wall so the man couldn't see. And whispered to John,
"Your boss, Dan, what's his number?"
John whispered his number and I typed it in quickly. Seeing John smile at my plan. Texting him "army base 12, WWI, SOS John."
I put my phone back in my pocket quickly before stepping out of it. I was left in my boxers.
All of a sudden I heard Netty scream, my eyes widened and watered. David gave a terrified glance.
I decided to record. I turned around again, I got my phone, and pressed record. Why where to hide it?
I opened my mouth and managed to fit it in. James saw me do this, he winked at me.
"Remove all clothing." The man said again, "and, you, face me,"
I turned around immediately, trying not to choke on my phone.
I took off my boxers. He stared at me, pervert.
"Is this really necessary?" John asked, walking up to him, not embarrassed.
"You stay away, man. Or I'll rip your guts out." Said the American man, pushing John back by the shoulders. "Like to see you try. By the looks of things you've never shot a guy in your life, softy, it's not a bad thing- don't be ashamed." John said, smiling. What a legend.
"Shut up or I'll shoot you."
"Haha, you'll try, but you just don't have the soul, your a good man, I congratulate you for that." John said, giving him a friendly nudge, I saw David and James faintly smile.
"Let's face it, man." John said, "-or little girl whatever you prefer.."
The man took John by the neck,
"I hate you!"
"I mean you're allowed to deny it but.. Okay." John turned around,
"Guys he's a softy, nothing to worry about with him."
We laughed, well, I laughed while trying to keep my phone in my mouth.
The man left, slamming the door. I took my phone out of my mouth, gasping for air,
"You serious Stamps?" David said,
"Stampy.. Gotta.. Have.. Content.." I gasped.
"Your far too dedicated to your job." James said.
"Wait- Stampy?" John said, confused.
The door jutted open. I threw my phone into my mouth.
The man who shot Tom walked in with a whip.
"What did you do to Netty?" James growled. Defending my sister.
"Hmm.. We had a lot of fun, didn't we?" He dragged my sister. Her hair covered her face. She was naked, dirty and covered in blood.
The man smiled, before zipping up his fly. My mouth dropped.
Fury raged inside of me, this man raped my sister! I had the urge to run up to him and punch him.
"But she's no use now. I already have a son." The man said. Netty covered herself, wrapping her arms around her chest.
The man swung his arm around and punched her in the face.
Netty cried, falling to the ground, holding her jaw. He jumped on top of her.
"Get away from me!" She yelled.
Then another seeker walked in the room, taking the whip, he whipped Netty in the face. She screamed in pain, blood swiped her cheek.
The man then walked over to us. He looked at John first, clenching his fist he growled,
"Who's the little girl now?"
He whipped John, on the back, John yelled,
"You are! Gash.."
He was whipped again, he started to bleed.
Davids eyes widened as the man walked towards him, David yelled in pain as he was whipped,
"Agh! Jesus Christ!" David yelled. His back was covered in blood.
"Stop! Just staagghh! STOP!" David turned around, grabbing the leg of the man and tripping him over.
James helped John while David nailed the man to the ground. I took this opportunity to run to my sister, jump on top of the man who was currently half way through my sister, I punched him in the face, several times before realising.. Netty had a dagger through her stomach... Her eyes were closed, her face was tear stained... Netty was dead...
I just looked at her, her beautiful face.. My beautiful sister.. I took my phone out of my mouth.
"My god.." I sighed. Tears flooded my eyes, but nothing came out, I guess I had ran out of tears by now..
"She's.. She's not is she.." James said, dropping his whip and running to me. Putting his hand on my back.
"There's more coming, get your guns ready.." John sighed, resting in his head in his arms full of pain.
"The guns are outside they-"
Footsteps came closer, closer. The door opened.
"John!" A man ran in, helping John up, then David. They helped James and I up,
"Everything's going to be okay- you'll be fine."
"Nettys dead!" I yelled, "my sister is dead!" Tears streamed down my face as they dragged Netty away.
Blankets were wrapped around us.
"The nurses will be coming soon to check you and your friends out."
They did in fact come. I almost dropped dead. My sister, Rachael walked in the room, her hair was long and brown,
"Rache!" I yelled, only I called her Rache, she turned her head.
"Joe?!" She ran to me. Rachael was my older sister, by four years. "Joe, oh my god what happened to you?!"
"Not me- Netty." Her eyes widened, I pointed to where Netty lay. Rachael's eyes widened, filling up with tears.
"No.." She walked over, "no Netty!" She lay down beside Netty, who was covered in a blanket.
"Not you! Not my sister! Not you!" She buried her face in her hands, some of the other nurses patted her back,
"It's gonna be fine, love. Shh, she's in a better place." They soothed,
"Anywheres better than here!" She cried.
I looked over to John and David who were getting their backs treated,
"You can go home now, if you want." A nurse told me and James. We looked at each other,
"No." James said, shocking me, "no, not now. We started this at the beginning and we'll end this at the end, well.. I will anyway.. I don't know about the others."
His opinion changed me, "yes, yeh I'm staying with him too."
Wrapped up in our blankets, James and I walked over to where our stuff was. We put on our uniform then sat down, back to back. I took out my phone and filmed.
"Today was officially the worst day of my life.." I said,
"Make that two." James added.
"Basically.. We were taken by the seekers by plane, brought to their base.. Th- they shot Tom, stabbed Netty and whipped John and David.." I gave up on calling him Squid.
"Tom and Netty... they're both dead.. The others are getting treated.. James and I are okay just.. "
"Hey, mate you just lost your sister, you're not okay." James said, a tear rolled down my eye, I faced the ceiling to hide my crying, then I opened my eyes, and on the roof, I spotted a camera.
"James...?" I pointed to the camera, "is that what I think it is..?"
"Shit, uhh, what do we do?" I grabbed my gun and shot it. James snorted.
"What was that?!" Someone called,
"He just shot a camera- think it was broken already but better safe than sorry." James said. Before we burst out laughing. I fiddled with my pistol, "useful.. Well.. Not in everyday life but, here it is."
"Well it would be, wouldn't it?" James said, wheezing.
"Oh James.." I sighed, laughing.

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