43: Misunderstanding

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"What happened?" I asked Beth.
"I- I tried to ask him what was wrong but he just.. I don't know." She sat down in the chair, "I'm so sorry I don't know what's got into him he- he's changed so much.."
"I'll see if I can talk to him." I said, walking down the steps outside I walked to his apartment.
He didn't appear to be out at the front so I walked around the back.
It smelt of tobacco.
"Didn't think you smoked." I said looking at him, he took the cigarette out of his mouth and looked at me.
"They'll kill you, you know. Wouldn't want your kid to grow up without a dad."
Joes eyes widened massively, I saw his eyes water and he dropped his cigarette. What? It's not like he's never heard that before??
"Joe what is it?" 
He sat down on a seat and put his head in his hands. He was sweating.
"Joe you can tell me."
"I can't- I can't tell anyone!" Under his eyes were grey, his brown curls frizzed in the humidity.
"-not even Beth?" I asked.
He shook his head.
"And why can't you tell this to anyone?" I asked.
I looked down at my phone and started recording this conversation in secret.
"I just.. I can't. Nicole."
"Joe if your gonna pile up all your problems like this then you're never going to feel any better." I said,
"I'm never going to feel any better anyway." He said, "I don't deserve to."
"Just.. Tell me.. You like puzzles, right. Tell me the basics of what's going on and let me guess the rest."
I noticed a tear fall from his face. He went into his pocket where he started to pull out a cigarette.
I snatched the packet off him and threw it in the bin.
"You've changed, Joe. Just tell me why and when this happened."
He looked up into my eyes,
"Don't tell this to anyone." He said, I focused on his dry lips, wanting to catch every word.
"Depends what it is." I replied.
He took a deep breath.
"I- I- December 13th.. "
"I- i- I can't say anything else.." He muttered.
"Joe.." I said.
"Why do you care." He sighed, I put my hands on his shoulders,
"Because you're my friend. And I want you to be happy, and so does David and Beth. So.. So even if you're not going to tell us what's happening, just at least have some fun, take it off your mind."
He nodded, he took a deep breath, "okay.. I'm sorry.. It's just hard sometimes.. "
"It's alright, I know, keeping secrets is the hardest thing in the world. Believe me, I've kept many."  I held his hands and looked into his eyes.
"Come on, you only happen once, enjoy this happening." I told him.
He smiled at me and I smiled back, we walked back up to my apartment where I saw David and Beth waiting for us.
"You going down to the beach?" I asked them, I winked at David and they both came running down the steps, David shut the door.
We made our way down to the beach, I scrunched the sand with my toes and ran towards the sea. Once my feet touched the warm Australian water, I started to splash Joe, he laughed and shouted "OI!" And kicked the water back at me. The other two joined in, Beth's white shirt had gone completely transparent and she stripped into a bikini, putting her arms around Joe, I looked to my husband;
"Whatever you did, whatever you said, it really helped. Thanks." He kissed my forehead, I smiled at him.
"Anything from Beth?" I whispered, watching the other couple walk farther ahead of us.
"Not a lot, just says more about going to California." He sighed, "and I know why.."
"He wants to see FinnBall." He sighed,
"I don't think it's just that." I murmured. "Let's talk about this later Dave." I said, smiling.
David walked over to Joe.


"Hey mate!" I threw some sand at his back.
"Hey!" He replied, getting more sand and throwing it at my legs.
I picked something off his scent.
"You been smoking?" I asked him. He looked down,
"Not anymore." He replied.
That confused me.
I put my arm around his neck.
"To California then, this summer. Both of us?"
"Umm.. Both of us?"
"You got a problem with me going?" I asked,
"N..no. Just with the kids an' all.."
"C'mon what's happening?" I asked, infuriated by his lack of response.
"Nothin' just the whole.. Finnball thing I guess."
I understood.
"Should we be armed?" I asked,
"I.. I don't know.. We will hardly be allowed to bring any kind of weapon on a plane." He replied. This made me think,
"He's obviously powerful if he was respected like that.."
"Like what?"
"Everyone mourned over him when you.. Y'know." I remembered the blood gushing from Finnballs throat as Joe slashed it.
"I.. I don't want to talk about that right now." He said. He's blocking me out.. Why does he keep blocking me out?! I am a part of this! Just as big a part as him! I need to know what he knows!
I was infuriated by rage and finally let it out,
"Joe!" I grabbed his shoulders. "What have you been smoking?!"
"Tobacco." He responded swiftly,
"When were you smoking it?!"
"I don't know- about two hours ago!"
"You told me that you stopped!" I yelled in disbelief.
"Yeh! After your wife threw my packet in the bin!" He retaliated,
I threw him to the sandy ground and kept him down.
"Don't you dare blame Nicole for anything you do." I muttered, "you tell me what's wrong or I ask FinnBall."
I saw his wide eyes glisten with fear.
"Who did you kill that day." I asked him. Looking into those green eyes. I could almost feel his stomach's nerves. "Would I care?!" I added, his mouth dropped but he remained silent.

"Dave.. I'm.. I'm sorry for.. For everything." He sighed,
I loosened my grip on him, feeling conscious about what I was doing to him.
This was stupid.
"Been together too long.." I sighed. Taking his hand and helping him up.

"I'm sorry mate, I shouldn't have bothered you on your honeymoon.."
"I'm sorry too." I sighed, "it's just that I'm so confused."
The sky looked like a blaze. I just wanted to enjoy my honeymoon with my wife.
I pulled out my phone, searched through the pictures until I found the one of Joe driving my car with me and my happy kids in the back.
I didn't want this friendship to end. But I felt like I'd know all about what Joe was keeping from me when we went to California.
I sat down and looked at the photo.
Wishing that I could turn back time.
To that one moment.. Where everything was just perfect.

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