42: Demunition

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It the evening of my 27th Birthday.
I was lying on an Australian beach in Adelaide beside Nicole.
We were wearing just swimming gear, the sun was going down and the sky was red.
It was the most perfect night.
Nicole distracted me from the beautiful red sky and silhouettes of palm trees in the distance as she climbed on to me smiling.
I rolled over so she was underneath me and kissed her lips.
"D-" I kissed her again, "Dave-"
"David!" She giggled. "Do you want your birthday present?" She asked,
I was quite confused, so I raised an eyebrow.
Nicole crawled over to our beach bag and lifted up a small long box. Big enough to fit a fancy pen.
"Is it a watch?"
"More precious."
"Is it a waterproof watch?"
"A million times better."
"Is it a really expensive Gucci pen?"
"Better than that."
I was really confused.


I had secretly set up a camera beforehand to capture this moment.

He opened the box and his jaw dropped.

He lifted up the pregnancy test and his mouth remained wide open. His eyes glistened. I bit my lip in anticipation.
His mouth was still wide open with shock but his eyes focused on me and his mouth gradually turned into a wide smile he looked back down and laughed slightly before covering his mouth .
"You ready for a third?" I asked him.
"C'mere." He pulled out an arm and kissed my lips, I noticed a tear fly quickly down his eye.
"I was not expecting that!" He laughed.
He just hugged me, I was surrounded in his beautiful endless comfort, he gave me a kiss on the cheek as we looked out into the beautiful crimson sky matching the golden sea with all sorts of creatures exploring beyond the eyes of David or me.
The sand was soft like a version of lukewarm snow.
Everything was so perfect, so right.
"Yeh.. It's better than a watch." He told me, looking down at me, he then looked back out to the sea,
"Much.. Much better."
I saw a smile form on his face, everything felt so right, so amazing.


We woke up in our five star hotel in Adelaide. My head was resting on Davids head and he was running his fingers through my hair.
"Morning." I said,
"Morning." He replied.
I opened the doors in front of our bed which led straight into our private pool. Little did I know that David was going to come from behind me and push me in.
I screamed then laughed when my head came back from above the water.
He jumped in and landed beside me.
I noticed him wiping under my eyes, "since when were you wearing mascara?" He asked wiping black smudges from my eyes.
"Like.. Two days ago- god that's how clean I am!"  He just laughed.
"Joe and Beth coming today?" I asked.
"Yeh I think that they're already here-"
There was a knock on the door. David and I were both in the pool in light pyjamas. We looked at each other,
"God I hope it's Joe." He laughed, getting up and answering the door.
It was, to our relief.
"Heya Stamps! Hi Beth!" He greeted them, "sorry I'm all wet," he laughed, pointing at me,
"You pushed me in! I didn't do anything to you!" I replied, leaning against the side of the pool. Joe and Beth just laughed.
"Here Dave pass me a towel." I said, David threw me down a light blue towel. I wrapped it around me and walked out of the pool and into the bathroom.


I sat on the balcony with Joe and Beth, we just drank water, it was too warm for tea or coffee.
"How's your honeymoon been going?" Beth asked.
"Oh.. Wait till I tell you.. We are expecting another little one." I said, both of them congratulated us.
Joe was acting slightly different. But I didn't want to alarm him so I carried on as normal.
Nicole came out in a loose t-shirt and shorts.
"Hi guys."
"Hi Nicole, congrats." Beth said, she looked down at my stomach, knowing she would have to do it all over again, all the baby work all of.. That.
Nicole sat down beside us, I noticed Beth becoming a lot more visibly pregnant.
"How was South Africa?" Beth asked, I recalled the beautiful beaches and cliffs,
"It was beautiful." I said. Nicole nodded.

I looked again at Joe. Something was up. He had dark circles under his eyes, he mustn't have slept in a while.
"You alright, Joe?" I asked, looking at his dull, almost grey face.
"Yeh- yeh I'm fine." He replied.

Nicole and I had a code phrase, gorgeous day. This gave Nicole the signal to walk over into another room and call me, and I would tell her it's for her.
"Isn't it a gorgeous day?" I said, slightly eyeing up Nicole.
"Yeh it is isn't it." Nicole started to get up, "so much better than the classic English weather." She was walking towards the bathroom. "I'm gonna go and get changed, go out today maybe?"
"Yeh sounds great." Beth said,  I looked to Joe for an answer,
"Yeh alright."
"Sure you're okay?" I asked him,
"Yeh, yeh I'm grand." He said, a couple of seconds later my phone rang. It was.. Nicole, of course, but I needed to say it was someone else.
"Oh, hi mum." I said, signalling to Beth and Joe that I'd be two minutes.
"How are you? How are the kids.."
I walked into the bathroom where Nicole was, I shut the door and then spoke to her.
"Something is up with him." Nicole whispered, I nodded.
"I'll bring Stamps out and you can talk to Beth about it."
"No." She said. I raised an eyebrow.

I heard the door close and Beth's call of, "Joe!"
Nicole walked out the door.

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