39: Life?

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Joes POV

Beth moved my bed beside Davids so we practically had one double bed. I sat in the middle.
David- I assumed was having far too much of the drugs.
He was pointing and laughing at everything that looked slightly out of place.
He was looking at all the other cubicles and waving at them.
"Squid are you high?" I laughed,
He just snorted and flicked one of his hands about, "no! Aha! That sounds like moo! I'm a cow!"
We ended up having to shush him. He was so loud.
"Should I put that sleeping gas back on him guys?" I asked the live stream.
He had his mask on and looked at me in a saddened way.
"I'm only joking mate!" I laughed putting my arm on his shoulder.
I then felt a sudden jerk in my chest. Was this another mini heart attack? It wasn't as painful as the first but I was starting to loose my sight.
"Beth hold the phone a secon..."

Beth's POV

Joe passed out, I put the live stream on pause and put the phone down on a table.
"What happened?" David asked, taking his mask off and putting his hands on Joes face.
"He just.. I don't know.." I said, I checked the time, it was almost five in the morning. I didn't know how many nurses or doctors were in the hospital. Though maybe it's okay that he fainted, he probably shouldn't have stayed up this late.
I stood up off the bed and let Joe stay on his own. I pushed the bed away slightly and grabbed a chair and pushed it beside Daves bed.
"Is he gonna be alright?" He asked, I knew that he was pretty high on morphine but he still had feelings, however those feelings were intensified.
"We can keep an eye on him, I think he must be exhausted."
"I did warn him." He said, "-that he should go to bed."
"He will be alright.. He's just been putting too much pressure on himself." I sighed, "live stream?"
"Yeh.. Yeh..."



When I woke up I saw David fast asleep and Beth fast asleep on a chair with her head leaning against Davids bed. This made me laugh. But where was the live stream? Did they end it?
I then saw Nicole with David's phone in her hand speaking to it. Was she carrying it on?
"Nicole?" I asked,
"Hi!" She walked over to me,
"Is the live stream still on?" I asked,
"Yeh, wanna take over?"
"Wait- when did you take over?"
"I was watching the live stream and those two both fell asleep at 6am so I drove over to save the stream!"
"Are the kids here?"
"Yeh they're downstairs in the play area. You okay?"
"I'm fine, what about you? Did you get enough sleep?" I asked,
"Yeh I'm alright. Think I might be taking him home today, not sure. I should probably wake him up, he's been asleep for like five hours and I've ran out of things to talk about."
I took the phone and she went over to David and whispered something in his ear. He woke up almost immediately. Nicole took the mask off his face and gave him a quick kiss on his lips.
"You okay?" She asked, putting her hand on his shoulder. He nodded smiling.
Beth woke up shortly after that, she looked up at David and he looked down at her and they both laughed.
Everything was fine. Every happening that was to happen would be good. We only happen once, both our happenings were almost over then, but we were okay now, I guess.
"We've been recording for 17 hours.. Wow.." I looked, there were still people watching. "Anyone who has been watching non-stop, good on you." I said. I noticed one person who said that they did. I recognised her name.
"Stacy! Hi Stacy!" I laughed, "long time no see!" I flicked through the comments to see if I recognised anyone else.
I gave the phone to David and gave Beth a kiss on the lips. "You alright?" I asked her, she had been looking after us the whole time.
"Course I am. We can bring you both home today." She said, smiling.
"I can give you a lift, I notice your car isn't here." Nicole added. Beth and I looked at each other and nodded, "if you could that'd be great." I said,
"No problem." Nicole said.
Nicole had brought David up some spare clothes and Beth had brought me and her some clothes too.
Once we got changed we were checked out one final time. My heart rate was checked along with my pulse and Davids wounds were checked out.
I used the live stream to vlog walking into the car, "wait- I've still got my car here." David said.
"Wait- where?" Nicole asked,
"She's just over there behind the Toyota." He pointed at the top of the white Mercedes we saw in the distance.
"Here, you and Joe go in there." Nicole said. So David and I walked to the mercedes. "Oh I love this car!" David said, laughing.
"Sure your okay to drive?" I asked him.
"Um.. I don't know." He said honestly. "I don't know how the drugs have effected my driving." He said, we looked back at the other car but it had left.
"Ill drive." I said, handing the phone to David and swapping seats.
"Careful with my third child." He laughed.
I adjusted the seats and put on some sunglasses, ready to-
"WAIT!" David yelled, I braked.
"The kids are still in there!"
He ran out of the car, I ran out after him, locking the car as I ran. David walked into the hospital again, he looked around till he saw the play area. He came back to me with his kids in his arms.
"We have no booster seats for these guys." He said, "just sitting on a normal seat won't do anything.." He looked around, "what about that shop?"
"Well we have no money with us." I pointed out,
"Shhit ..." He muttered. "You know what lets just get in the car."

I followed David and his kids out to the car, he sat in the middle seat and put the children either side of him, he orientated his legs in a way that his kids sat on his knees so they managed to fit the seat belts.
"You alright guys?" I asked everyone in the back seats.
"Yeah!" They said excitedly.
I ended the live stream with an image of me laughing in the car, in the backseat we saw David smiling with his two children putting their hands up and cheering.
This was such a funny happening, I won't forget it, it was one of the happiest moments of my life and it's a picture that I'd look at in many many years to come.

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