23: Three?

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I woke up quite late, it was 10 o' clock and the sun was shining. Beth was out of bed.
I had just had the best nights sleep in a long time.
I opened the curtains to greet the outside world before stepping outside into the hall in shorts and t-shirt, it was mildly warm.
"Hi Joe!" I heard Nicole greet me, "Dave is still asleep, you fancy waking him up?"
I laughed before responding, "sure."
I walked into his room, knocking the door. There he was, snoring away in his bed. I had an idea.
I jumped right onto his bed yelling, "IBALLISTICSQUID GET UP!" And made a weird noise.
He responded with a loud, "wuaa?!!" Leaning back in the bed before we killed ourselves laughing.
"Come on up breakfast is ready." I laughed, walking out of the room.
"He's up." I laughed, passing Nicole.
"You don't say!" She giggled. "Beth and the kids are outside, breakfast ready, bacon, eggs, sausages okay?"
"Oh gosh yes." I hadn't realised that Nicole and David had both gotten over their vegetarianism as they both sat down eating bacon and sausages.
Beth looked beautiful, she wore a translucent white shirt which was unbuttoned with a white vest top below. Along with some leggings.
Outside was bright and sunny, the children were excited as they giggled,
"Good morning daddy!" They then looked at me, "morning Joe."
"Morning guys!" I replied, waving.
They then ran back outside to play with some plastic footballs.
"They're gorgeous." Beth commented, this made Nicole and David smile.
After we finished our food David went outside, we decided not to join him, the kids needed to bond with him the most.

Davids POV

I ran to my kids, Rosie and James were playing tag, but you had to tag them with the ball.
"Hey, can I play?" I asked, smiling,
"Yay! Dads playing!" I remembered how special it was if my dad was to play with me and Tom. I felt blessed to be that Dad.
"Okay I'm it!" The children excitedly screamed and ran away from me.
I ran slowly to James and caught him, he then caught me back and I tried to get Rosie, we continued to play and play and have so much fun .. Until I looked up to see a familiar face.
My mother.
She didn't speak she just smiled and ran up and hugged me.
"I missed you both so much." I whispered as we hugged so tight,
"James, Rosie.. Meet your grandmother.."
"Oh we've already met! Their mum has been taking them quite a lot to me and I've been visiting." Mum said, "I'm Grandma!"
"And- and where's dad?" I asked.
My mother's smile faded.
"We... We can talk about this later." She said.
I looked down.. Is he okay? Did they get divorced? Where is he?
James ran over to Mum and tagged her, she then tagged me and I tagged Rosie, everything was going so well, until I tripped.
I landed on my back, giving an "aaaww.."
James and Rosie climbed on top of me, making me laugh. My mum sat down beside me. Nicole, Beth and Joe ran out to join us.
I thought about giving Joe the engagement ring now, but I decided to keep it for a later date.
"You gonna move here then?" My mum asked,
"Yeh.." I replied,  looking into her eyes,
"You okay with that?" I asked,
"Your a married couple with kids, course I'm okay with this. But you'll come visit me sometimes and I will visit you."
I nodded, "course." I put my arm around my mum, she would be so lonely.. what's wrong with dad.... where is he?
"We will be going back up to move the stuff out of the house for a couple of days." Nicole said, looking into my eyes. I smiled when Joe asked if we should all go out today, to the beach then to a fair to get an icecream. We all decided that this was an excellent idea so we got dressed into more suitable clothing and got the cars organised.

Joes POV

I went to put my t-shirt on before my vision went dark, I fell down to the floor and my sight came back again. I felt my head as I slowly made my way back up again. I tried to ignore the fact that I had just fainted and reached out to find a t-shirt.
I brought a bagpack with my wallet and cards in it.
After this I walked into the hallway where they were sorting out cars, we decided that we would take two cars, Nicoles and David's mums car.
Davids mum took the kids and Nicole took David, Beth and I.
"Hey Joe." Nicole said while driving.
"Yeh?" I responded.
"Why don't you go and get yourself a car on the way back?"
"Yeh! You should do that!" David encouraged,
"Wow I hadn't really thought about that..." I admitted, looking to Beth. Beth seemed quiet today,  "what do you think, Beth?" I asked her,
Beth shrugged her shoulders, "it's your decision." She replied, softly. This made me worry. I put my arm around her,
"You alright hon?" Nicole asked from the front,
"Yeh. fine-" a tear strolled down her cheek.
I looked down at her and hugged her tight. Petting her soft hair. Keeping her close to me. I whispered in her ear, "what's wrong, love? Tell me what's wrong?" I saw Nicole and David look at each other, trying to empathise with her. But I couldn't tell what was wrong.
She sniffed and pulled something out of her handbag. It was like a stick, but plastic I think, and white.
It had a ++ sign on it..
"Oh.." I shivered, my eyebrows rising.
I looked at Beth in shock. No, she's not, she can't be pregnant.. I dipped my head as if to ask, me? She nodded. My stomach felt as if it was going to flip. I put my hands over my mouth and leaned back. My breathing became that bit louder. Oh my god.. I- I'm going to be a dad.. I lowered my hands from my mouth and looked at Beth before giving her a smile-almost a laugh. She smiled too. I'm going to be a dad!
David looked behind then turned back again.
"How many seats do you need in that car? Two.... Or three?"

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