45: Red

111 9 1

Davids POV

The camera switched to an open field, Finnball was marching at front beside my father, tears streamed down my face, I knew what was going to happen.
They were being attacked, but it was Finnball who attacked Joe. I saw myself in the corner watching, why didn't I recognise my dad?
Joe turned away and Finnball put my dad in front of him.

I watched Joe slice through my fathers throat.

I fell to my knees, I saw my fathers eyes looking straight towards me but I didn't recognise him.

I couldn't speak.
If Joe was saying anything I couldn't tell.
I couldn't listen, I couldn't talk.. it was as if I was paralysed in this trapped state of mind.
My best friend killed my dad.

"I'm so sorry-"

"I don't know who you are." I growled. "Why did I wait for you when you were in a coma. Why did I come home with you and look after you in hospital. Why did I forgive you when you attacked me."
I stood up and looked at Joe in the eyes.
"How long did you know it was him?" I asked, my pulse racing.
"How long have you known that it was my dad?"
"Since the 13th of December." He admitted.
I bit my lip so hard that I wouldn't be surprised if blood drew while I took a heavy step towards Joe.

"Please, give me another chance-"
"Your chances are up now. How many chances do you need?! You killed him! You killed my fucking dad! And you never even told me!"
I ran over to him and punched him in the face, he kicked my stomach back and stood up, I kicked his legs and he fell to the ground,
"Years! Years I've wasted over you!" I squeezed his head and dug my nails into his scalp.
"How many times have I saved your life?!" I yelled, the fury raged within me. He rolled over to defend himself before picking up the gun again. My mouth dropped. I jumped over to him and snatched the gun off him, pointing it directly at his head, fighting with all my might not to pull the trigger.
"David I'm your friend!" He cried,
"You were my friend." I shot his hand, acting out what Finnball did to my dad,
Joe yelled with pain and agony.
"Please I didn't know!"
"You knew for over six months! And you never told me!" I saw Finnball through a glass wall, I looked him in the eyes before grabbing Joes shoulders and crashing him through the glass. It hurt, it hurt so badly, blood gushed from wounds in my face, but I didn't care.
I grabbed the gun and ran after Finnball, leaving Joe in the bloody glass. "You will pay for what you have done to my father!"
"Oh will I?" Finnball asked me,
"The same way your family did." I said,
"That's quite morbid, don't you think? For a PG channel?"

He picked up a phone, it looked exactly like mine.
I checked my pockets.. He had my phone..

He was live streaming.

I dropped my gun. I fell to my knees. Tears streamed from my face.
I put my gun against my face, knowing my family would have to grow up without a father.

I pulled the trigger, but I was thrown out of the way by... Nicole?

Joe limped up from behind Finnball, he picked up the gun, he shot Finnball in the back.
Finnball dropped my phone, I grabbed it and ended the livestream immediately, however it had already over a thousand viewers.
While Finnball yelled we ran outside and jumped straight into Nicole's car. Nicole drove us to a nearby forest.
"Nicole, what are you doing here?" I moaned, I was blacking out,
"As soon as I figured out what had happened I booked a flight," she continued to drive quickly along the roads while I wiped the endless tears which streamed from my painful eyes.

That image, Joe slicing my fathers neck, I was sick. My whole life ended in front of my eyes. And that Finnball had streamed everything.
I saw Joe briefly, as I lay on the ground. He looked at me,
"I never want to see your face again." I muttered.
Nicole looked up at him then looked back down to me.

This happening; this happening changed my life forever. And I won't forget it.- well at least not for another twenty years or so.

I hated Joe. I hated him with every breath I gave I hoped he would stop breathing and die.

I looked down at my phone and looked at the comments of the offline livestream.
I couldn't translate them. I couldn't read.
I dropped my phone and let my tears fall. My father was dead. My career was destroyed. My identity was lost.

I needed to start again.

So I stood on my phone, smashing the glass. I took out the SIM card, snapped it and threw it into the forest. My phone was unusable and broken.
"David, what- what are you doing?" Nicole asked,
"I need to start again. We- we all do. We can't be the Spencer family anymore,"
"David we can't just change our name!"
"Then I have to leave, you go home, I'm staying here."
"No! I don't care what has to be done, you're my husband and you're my children's father, and I am not letting you leave me again!" She yelled,
Tears fell from both our faces, I hugged her, knowing that Finnball had ruined my life and Joe ended me for good.
"Let's go home." Nicole said, "it's over now."
"It's done."

MagicAnimalClub: HappeningsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora