8: Ruthless

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Stampys POV

I woke up. It was eight o'clock. There were lamps scattered around where we slept. I noticed Netty resting her head on Toms chest, she was still asleep.
Moments later Squid woke up, James still lay sleeping.
I pointed to Netty and Tom, he look at them before silently laughing at them.
James woke up, as he got up he pushed his hair back and scratched his back. We pointed Netty and Tom out and he smiled.
"I'd love to say I told you so, but I'm pretty sure you expected it too."

We all turned on our phones and cameras, turning them to face cam to fix our hair. David and James had of course brought their hair gel. We used our water bottles and soap, I bought a hand razor and everyone used it. When Tom woke up he looked down at the sleeping Netty, we smirked at him,
"Did you put her here or something?"
"No!" We laughed,
"Guys.. Like.." He sighed, putting his arms around her.
"Aww." We said, before carrying on shaving.
"Should I shave the beard?" David asked,
"What- shave it? You'd look eighteen without it." I said,
"Ey, what's wrong with being 18?" James combatted, I laughed, remembering our 18 year old friend.
"Hey Netty!" I shouted, before everyone laughed, Netty opened her eyes slightly,
"W..what..?" She moaned,
"Should he shave his beard?!" I yelled back at her,
"Is that seriously what you woke me up for?"
I just laughed,
"Oh, hello tom!" She said, looking up to see Tom holding her.
"Hi- woke up with you lying on top of me you creep!" He laughed,
"You're really comfy- I usually sleep with two pillows,"
"And your telling me this... Why?"
"Advice for the future!" James laughed,
"Piss off." Tom chuckled,
"You guys up?!" John yelled,
"Yup- well.. Nettys getting there!" David replied, John laughed,
"Right well we've got breakfast outside,"
"We'll be out in a minute, thanks mate." I replied, gliding the razer down my cheek.
I got a towel and washed my face, Netty put on a bit of makeup before we all went out together for breakfast.
They had bacon and eggs on paper plates along with water or orange juice. We all took some apart from David, who was vegetarian at the time, he just took eggs.
"Come on Dave you need the protein." John said,
"Uhh- I'm a veggie." David declined, "and eggs have protein."
"Yeh yeh, whatever." John laughed, eating the piece of bacon, David looked back in fright "anyway we are leaving in two hours." John said,
"Right." I said. We walked back to our base and rang family,
"Hiya, love." David rang Nicole, his girlfriend.

Squids pov

"Hiya Dave, oh my god are you alright?" She asked, It surprised me how longing I was to hear her voice again. I missed her so much.
"I'm fine, I'm fine.." I replied,
"What about the rest of the crew?"
"Uhh.. Not so much.. Amy and Ash.. Yeh.."
"What?! Both of them?!"
"Yeh.." My eyes began tense up and my voice began to shiver,
"How are you? Any other bombings?" I asked,
"I'm fine- there's been a bomb in Scotland- your old friend, Lee, he's dead."
"Lee? Jeez... He was only seventeen.." I sighed,
"Who's dead?" Joe asked,
"Lee Carson," I said, "l for Lee."
"Seriously?!" He replied,
"Apparently so- anyway, um-how's your family keeping, how's the pooches?"
"Family's fine, dogs are missing you and Tom, cats are just sleeping."
"Awk, and you? How are you holding up?"
"I'm getting there- sketching away," Nicole said,
"Awk I miss you love," I said, a tear rolled down my face, I wanted to be back with her,
"I miss you too, babe, but this is just life, I guess."
"I guess, hope I'll come home to see you."
"Yeh, well, be safe love, don't take too many risks, by the way I heard you hurt your leg- that okay?"
"Oh, yeh, it's still a bit sore if I lean on it, but it's getting there, thanks love." More tears flooded my eyes, I missed her so much, I heard Nicole's voice shiver too,
"I miss you so much, Dave." She cried.
"Bye David.." She whimpered, a tear smudged my eye, I wiped it away, if Amy were here she would have hugged me.
"Bye love." I replied, hanging up.
My face was red and my eyes were puffy. Tears dropped down my cheeks. I wiped my brow, trying to recover.
"Mate," said Stampy, putting his arm around my neck, I noticed that his eyes were bloodshot, he had been crying too.
"Can't believe I left her while she was pregnant.." I sighed, self-loathing.
"Hey, Dave, you'll come home to have a brand new daughter or son, or maybe she'll still be pregnant."
"I might. Probably not, you know me." I sighed.
"David, I know you as someone who won't give up, especially if your girlfriend has children on the way." Joe said, looking into my eyes,
"You're right.." I sighed, sniffing and wiping my eyes, trying to get myself into the frame of mind. "Let's go."

Stampys pov

We all left the trench about an hour later. Our group followed John out into the open. We kept undercover, but there were no planes or jets in sight.
As I was walking I got a message,
A bomb has gone off. All windows broken, one dead. Take care, Beth. X
I put my phone back in my pocket in stress. Hoping she was okay. She obviously was okay to text- before I knew it I was crying. Because I missed Amy and Ash. I couldn't believe such innocent lives could go so soon.
David held my hand, I looked at him in surprise.
"We can do this." He said. My eyes tensed, about to leak with tears. My breathing quickened. Unaware of anything going around us, We broke into a hug. Netty started to interrupt,
"Joe... Joe!" I ignored her, gripping to my best friend, "Joseph! The seekers!"
I put my head up immediately, I heard a plane.
I took out my handgun and shot at it, but the bullets bounced back.
"Dam, it's bulletproof, run guys!" John yelled.
Blood, beating through our chests, we ran behind John.
Sprinting, I hopelessly struggled to outrun the vessel.
We failed. The plane landed in front of us.
"So this is it. This is how it ends.." James sighed,
My mouth dropped, my stomach spun with fear.
Men ran out of the jet, cuffing us.
"You 'all English, right?" One man said, he was American, quite small bit broadly built.
"Yeh." I sighed,
"You'll speak up!"
I didn't say a word.
"Get in."
"No." Netty yelled.
All of a sudden the man grabbed Tom and pointed a gun at his head.
"Get in!" He growled.
We slowly walked into the jet, looking at Toms terrified face.
"Good." He said, before carelessly shooting Tom in the face, I shrieked.
"No! Tom!" Netty yelled,
"Tom! Jesus Christ! You killed him!" Davids face was red, tears streamed down his face as he stood back in absolute shock. His jaw was shaking and his eyes were wide.
"Do you want us to shoot you too?" The man asked, smirking, we stood silently, "I thought not."

We were put on the plane, John was silent as he looked at the ground.
We all stood in tears. Netty gasped for air as she cried. She loved him.
Even John seemed completely shaken by the sudden death of Tom.
The plane turned, we were going to land.
"Captain-" James began,
"Call me John. " this warmed my heart. We were friends now, he trusted us.

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