10: Endless Travelling

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Stamps pov

I sat beside James, we talked about anything, really.
"So James, what was life like back at home?"
"Well.. Not much I guess. Moved out, living on my own. Pretty boring."
"You had a sister, didn't you?" I asked, feeling my nose tense as I spoke the word sister.
"Yeh.. Molly. She's twelve. Obsessed with you and squid."
I raised an eyebrow in interest.
"She's got cancer though.. "
My mouth dropped slightly, I tilted my head, "my god.. You just never know.. I guess."
" 'pparantly she's bald but rocking the backwards cap. Little legend."
It made me smile, my nose tensed, I felt tears somewhere inside of me, getting ready to form.
"Bet she's proud of you." I said,
"Of me? No. There's no reason for her to be proud of me. I'm proud of her." I smiled.
"Make the most of her." I said, thinking of Netty.
"C'mere mate." He immediately broke into a hug. I took this time to cry, as he patted my shoulders. Rachael came to me, her hair was long, curled with blonde at the bottoms. She was the prettiest of the family,
"Hey.." I sighed, looking over at her.
"Hi." She Replied, biting her lip as tears flooded her eyes,
James walked away as we spoke in privacy.
"Joe I don't want you to die." She hugged me.
"Hey, so what if I do?"
"So what? I've lost my fiancé, my sister, loads of my friends and now you? No! No I'm not having it!" I stood in shock, I didn't know her fiancé died.
"Gianni... How..?"
"Take a wild guess."
It was a stupid question, I lowered my head, she hugged me again.
"Go home.. Please. I can't deal with this." Tears ran down her face, "Joseph.."
"I'll go home when the job is done. I'm not ending this now."
"But if you die I'll never forgive myself!"
"If I die you'll be the one who survived. And you will live with mum and dad, if you die how will they feel?"
"Love you Jojo. But.. Please be careful."
"No more careful than you, Rache." She touched my cheek,
"Don't call me that, Joseph." I smiled,
"Don't call me Joseph." She rolled her eyes. Then David walked into the room, his face was red, he was in pain, but when Rachael turned around to look at him he smiled,
"Fancy seeing you here!" She said, walking over to him, holding his hand,
"Don't tempt me, my wife's pregnant."
"Your wife?!" I raised an eyebrow, James walked over.
"We had a virtual wedding on the phone back there." He wiggled his finger,
"A plaster'll have to do around my finger until I get home." I laughed, Rachael smiled while walking away.
I patted him on the shoulder before he sat down.
"How's your back?" I asked, sitting beside him.
"Oh it's- It could have been worse. Oh by the way Joe. That was a really brave thing you did, phoning them, having your phone in your mouth. That was proper genius man."
"I was brave? Without you everyone would have their backs shredded to pieces and we'd probably all be dead." David looked at me and put his arm around my shoulder.
"I'm sorry mate.. I'm really, so sorry." I put my head up to keep the tears in.
"Hey mate.. Cry all you want.. I.. I understand you. "
We all group hugged. I let tears slip out of my eyes, I tried to hold back whimpers as I wasn't that young.
John then limped into the room, we all immediately got up to help him.
"How are you, captain?" James asked,
"I've been better? Are you all staying?" We looked at David,
"I'll stay." He said, sighing. "What about you?" We looked to John.
"I'm staying." John said, wiping his brow. "Guys your the most loyal group I've ever had." I tilted my head, "most groups leave after their first fight."
"Wouldn't wanna leave you, mate." James said, resting his elbow on Johns shoulder.
"We can't stay here for long. This is still a seeker base, they'll be coming here soon." My heart started to pump faster again.
"David, take this." John handed David a pill, "you'll not feel the pain."
"What is it? Calpol?" He laughed, taking the tablet.
"Basically." John laughed. "Give it fifteen minutes to sink in.'

We went into a camouflaged jeep. The jeep had two benches facing each other, James put his bag in the middle and we decided to play cards. It was getting dark, we weren't sure where we were going.
"Jack change it to diamonds." I called, John put down his last card, winning the match.
"No!" David laughed, placing down his last card. We all laughed before John said,
"Right, I think we're here. It's been a long day guys, we will get some rest,"
"Where exactly are we?" David asked,
"One of our bases. Seekers don't know about here. We've never used it- well I have never."
"Okay, cool." James said. When the jeep stopped we took out our rifles and made our way into the base.
We sighed with relief as we entered the base. The base was an abandoned subway station on the walls were graffiti, the roof was mouldy and damp.
I didn't know that this subway station would be one of the prominent places of my life.
"Gorgeous." David said, sitting down on a bench.
"Isn't it just." James replied, sarcastically.
"Well we are gonna have to make do- for tonight anyway." John said, sitting on the bench beside him.
After a while John had went to sleep. James, David and I stayed up talking. I took out my camera,
"Hello," I whispered, aware John was asleep, "so we have got to another base.. We are all very tired and in shock." I pointed the camera to David who smiled blankly.
"Guys it's Johns birthday tomorrow- what'll we do?" I asked,
"Not die." James suggested,
"We can try that- anything else?" I laughed.
"Reckon they're is anything down there?" David pointed down the tracks,
"I honestly don't think we should go down there." James said. I didn't film where we pointed, I didn't know who could be watching.
"We could at least have a look.." David said,
"Right. But just a little look."
We walked up to the railway. I filmed my face, walking onto the tracks. We looked around,
"It's pitch black." James pointed out.
"Yeh we aren't gonna get anything in there." I said,
"Right. Okay." David said, walking back.
"You all go to bed, I'll take first watch- I'm gonna call Beth anyway."
"Alright." They lay down on the bench and I turned my camera off. I then called Beth.
The phone rang and rang. She didn't pick up. I tried her again but she wouldn't pick up. I then phoned my mother, she picked up immediately.
"Hello? Is that you Joseph?"
"Hi mum." I responded.
"Oh my god your alright?"
"Yep.. Though- you heard about Netty?"
My mother sighed and hesitated, "yes.. Yes Rachael told me."
"How are you and dad?" I asked, she went on saying that they were fine before I saw a flicker of light in the tunnel.
"Wait- hold on a second mum.." I stepped forwards, my heart beating loud and clear.
"I'll ring you back." I hung up and started to walk closer to the tunnel.
I heard some American voices in the distance,
"Where is Mr Spencer? I'm going to kill that man."
My eyes widened... I looked to David who was asleep on the bench then ran.
. I poked James first,
"James get up." I whispered, James hesitated before the voices came closer and he heard them.
"Jesus Christ!" We woke David up and reluctantly woke up John.
"Captain.. Footsteps.." They were getting closer, louder, there was more than one person running towards us.
"Right.... Let's get outta here." John said. We immediately made a run for the ladder. Climbing up as quickly and quietly as we could.
I didn't tell them that they were talking about 'Mr Spencer'.. It might not have been David they were talking about.. Probably just some other random guy...
We ran outside. It was cold and windy. We were near the sea. I tasted salt on my tongue.
"Right- will we camp out tonight just in the forest?" John asked,
"Sure- somewhere sheltered."
We ran into a forest, at last I realised that I recognised this place. This was the forest where Ash and Amy died. Their bodies had been dragged away, there was not a sign anyone had died here.
As we ran James called,
"Happy birthday captain." I saw John smile,
"Thanks mate." He replied, "forgot about that."

It was about four o'clock in the morning. We had found a place to stay- we had travelled all the way back to the old base we had stayed in the previous night.
"Wow it feels like ages since we've been here, though it was only last night." We nodded,
"So much has happened."
We walked down to the place we stayed the last night, it still smelt of Netty. Making me feel comforted. We all immediately fell asleep, not waking till morning.

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