Chapter 2

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"Stacy honey, get up"
I heard a soft call and a jerk on my shoulder.
It was El; she was waking me up from my sleep.

I didn't even realise when I went off to sleep. I slowly got up and sat upright. I then slowly rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms up in the air.

"What is the time, El?" I asked as my continued rubbing my eyes.

"It's ten o'clock hon" El replied as she handed me a cup full of blank coffee.

"How much I have to bare of this plane time?" I asked in an irritated tone.

"Just three hours more, Stac" she said as she helped herself with a cup of coffee.

"El you know I hate such long journeys" I said as I gulped a sip of my coffee.

"I know sweetly; but there is nothing we can do" she said as she gave me a warm smile.

Honestly, all I wanted was to get off the plane and switch my phone ON. All I just wanted was to just get off this stupid plane and call Kevin. It had been hardly a day and I already missed him.

The rest of the way, it was El who was sleeping and I was awake. I kept on asking for drinks and coffees. I kind of felt petty for the poor air hostess, but it was anyways her job. We somewhere paid her for doing that.
I somehow managed to pass my time. And we finally reached Fox.

As the plane landed I was the first one to hop off the flight. As I got down I quickly collected my luggage and made my way out. El somehow managed a cab, to get us to Richard's place.

I was totally unaware of all the things which were going on around me, I was just trying to contact Kevin.

"El what kind of a stupid place is this?!!" I asked in an annoyed tone.

"Why? What's wrong?" she asked as she gave me a puzzled look.

"There is no network!" I shouted as smoke started to burst out from my ears.

"Stacy relax! It's fine" she said as she gently touched my hand.

"But El I want to talk to Kevin" I said as I gave her an innocent look.

"Oh so some is missing her lovely boyfriend?" she asked in a teasing tone. I said nothing, but my looks were enough to shut her up.
"Stacy relax; you can call him tomorrow, it's cool" she said as she smiled sweetly.

"Yeah you're right" I said as I gave her a weak smile, and that calmed me down.

It took us few minutes before we saw the gate of Richard's mansion.

"You take these keys and get inside, I'll be there in a moment" El said as she handed me a bunch of keys.

"Sure" I said as I nodded in affirmation.

As the cab pulled near the gate; I jumped out and made my way towards the door.
I quickly opened it and got in. I switched ON the lights and gave a look around.

"It's a great place" I said as I sat on the couch.

"You really like this place, ah?" El asked as she closed the door behind her.

"Yeah it's cool" I said as I gave her a smile.

"Good. Now if you excuse me I'll go and have a good night sleep. I'll see you tomorrow. Good night sweetly" El said as she yawned.

"Yeah cool. Good night El and coco dreams" I said as I gave El a wide smile. She smiled back and made her way towards a room.

As she left; I grabbed my laptop bag and took my laptop out. I switched it ON and logged in my Facebook account.

I clicked on the message icon and started searching for any message from Kevin; and, as I expected there was one.

From: Kevin Eleven
To: Stacy Mecacy
Date: 14th April, 2016
Subject: stupid place you be in!

"Hey honey! :)
I hope you reached safe and sound. I have been trying your phone, for like an hour but it always said out of coverage area. How stupid! Anyways reply as soon as you get this message.
Love you. <3"

An unknown smile popped on my face. I started blushing a bit. It's been one and a half year since me and Kevin started dating; and all this way nothing changed.
I switched my laptop OFF and placed it back in my bag.

I made my way towards my bag pack, to pull a novel out. It was, according to me, was the best time pass especially during night.
I opened the book from where I left it and started reading it.

In sometime, I started feeling drowsy, and I felt my eyes shutting. I suddenly felt something vibrating in my pocket. It took me no time to realise that it was my phone.

I jumped off the couch and pulled my phone out of my back pocket and tapped on the receive button.

"Are you ok? Did you reach safe and sound? Did you have any problem? Where is El? How is Richard's place?" asked the voice, without any pause.

"Wow, wow! Kevin relax. I'm good" I said as I tried to put a stop to his questions.

"Ohk. Anyways how is Richard's place?" he asked as he let go his breath.

"It's great! It's a mansion and it's amazing!" I replied.

"Oh great. Did you eat something?" he asked.

"Yeah. I had dinner on the flight" I replied as I smiled to myself.

"Oh what did you eat?" he asked.

"I ate chicken" I replied as my tongue remembered the taste.

"Nice" he said.

"Yeah. What did you eat?" I asked as I raised my left eyebrow.

"Ah I-I actually" he paused as he hesitated a bit. And I got my answer in his hesitation.

"Why didn't you eat something?!" I asked as I got a bit mad at him.

"Stacy chill I had some maggie" he replied in a soft voice.

"Ohk it's good that you're not empty stomach. Anyways I'll talk to you tomorrow I'm feeling really sleepy" I said as I rubbed my eyes.

"Yeah sure, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Good night honey" he said in a loving tone.

"Good night baby" I said as I blushed a bit.

"Ah listen....." he suddenly said.

"Yeah.....?" I asked innocently.

"I love you" he replied in a loving tone.

"I love you too honey" I said as I smiled to myself.

"Now go and sleep. Good night" he said.

"Nighty night" I said and then I hung the phone up. As I placed the phone on the table I continued blushing to myself.

Then I slowly rested my head on the couch.

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