Chapter 12

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I ran towards Mrs. Boston, crashing into some people I have never seen before.

"Yes Mrs. Boston I'm here!" I exclaimed as I stood in front of her desk.

"Stacy there have been a hole buch of new books delivered yesterday. I want you to arrange them property. They are in the store room" she said, without looking up from her computer screen.

"Ok I'll get to it" I replied as I pressed my lips in a hard line.

"Hm" she said.
I turned on my heels and marched away.
I hate this damn world!

"Stacy. What did Mrs. Boston say?" Jacob asked as he came on my side.

"She asked me to go to the store room and pick up the books which were delivered yesterday" I replied as I made a face.

"Oh that's cool I can help you with that" he said as he gave me a smile which touched his eyes.

"Ok that will be cool" I said as I nodded.

"I would have helped you anyways. Even if you haven't asked Miss. Macasy" he said as he brushed his finger tips against my cheeks.

"I thought you would" I said as I flushed.

"So shall we?" he asked as he raised his palm.

"Yeah sure" I replied as I took his hand. We started walking together towards the store room.

"So where should we start from?" he asked as we entired the room.

"Am.... I don't know" I said as my cheeks filled with blood.

"No, no tell me" he whispered against my ear. A chill ran down my spine.

"What do you want to know?" I asked as I made an eye contact.

"Well everything about you" he said as he brushed his nose against mine. Oh my! This guy is so hot!

"You ask, I'll answer" I replied as I felt his grip again my waist.

"Well I have so much to ask, but I don't know from where to start" he said as he bend down and planted a gentle kiss on my forehead. I flushed.

"Stacy!" Mrs. Boston shouted at the top of her voice.

"Coming" I said as I ran out of Jacob's reach. The blood filled in my cheeks made them as red as tomatoes.

"Where the hell have you been?!" she asked as she gave me a look from her round glasses.

"I-I got a bit preoccupied" I replied as I tugged a loose hair strand behind my ear.

"Get to work, now!" she shouted as she made all the blood from my face to drain.

"Yes ma'am" I said, but my voice was hardly a whisper. She nodded and I left.

I walked straight towards the biographical section and started arranging the books. I felt as if someone was starting, and I knew it was Jacob but I ignored him. I turned on my heels and marched towards the store room.


I helped myself with a couple of books which were packed in a carton.
"Fiction" it said. I carefully kept it on the floor and opened the tape on it's top with cautious. I pulled out a bunch of books and kept then next to my feet. I lifted the next book and a smile ran on my face.

"What are you smiling for?" a person whispered against my ear, it made me jumped on my feet and found Jacob starting at me with a shy smile.

"You freak! You scared me!" I shouted as I tried to catch my breath.

"I'm sorry, but what you smiling at?" he asked as he leaned on the wall.

"Well I was smiling at this book. It is The Fifty Shades Of Grey. This was my favourite book when I was a kid" I said as I lifted the book to give him a view.

"You like such type of books?" he asked as he gazed at me with his beautiful brow eyes.

"What's wrong with this book?" I asked as I arced a brow.

"Well nothing, but you know this is that type of book" he replied as took the book from my hand.

"What do you mean by that type of book?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

"Well nothing" he added as a I am a playboy smile came on his lips.

"No say it!" I shouted as I bent my head.

"You know this book is a bit that type, you know?" he asked as he did some actions with his hands.

"What?!" I asked again, as I narrowed my eyes. It was pretty clear in my head what he meant but I wanted to hear it.

"You know a bit kinky fuckrey" he replied as he pressed his lips together.

"Well when it comes to E L James it is a bit kinky fuckery" I said as my I opened my arms.

"A bit?" he asked as he raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah a bit! And for your knowledge may I tell you that Fifty Shades was written by the great William Shakespeare" I announced proudly. Jacob's mouth dropped open, it almost touched the ground. His reaction made me smile.

"You're kidding right?" he asked as he tried to make his piece with the fact I told him.

"No I'm not kidding you can Google if you want" I said as a bit arrogance filled my voice.

"Wow my life have been a mirage till now" he said as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Yeah a lot of people doesn't know that" I said as I bent down and picked up all the books which were kept on the floor.
"So you do a good thing and I need to go and work" I said as I faked a smile. Before I could more out Jacob caught my hand.

"Dinner at seven?" he asked as ge showed his charm. I couldn't help a blush on my cheek.

"Sure" I replied as I tried to keep an unknown smile away from my lips and voice.

"Ok cool so tell you after" he said as he walked out. I was standing like a high school girl, completely blushing and smiling to herself. It felt like as if the guy I desired for years had agreed to marry me.
What was happening to me? 

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