Chapter 8

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I kept on smiling and rushed with my work. I summed my work up and looked around searching for El.

"El??" I whispered as loudly as I could, but I got no response.
"El?!" I called out again.

"Yes!" she replied.

"I'm leaving, okay? I'll see you later. Bye" I said, without noticing where she was. I marched out of the library.
As I existed the gate I felt a sudden pull and a hand covered my mouth, stopping me from shouting.

"Don't should it's me!" Jacob said.

"Hm" I said as I nodded my head.

He slowly removed his hand from my face and I kept on staring at him. He slowly wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close.

"So let's go?" he asked as he brought his face closer to mine.

"I....I need to change" I replied as I let his breath blend into mine.

"You don't need to, you as it is look very beautiful. Let's go" he said as he took some steps back and then pulled my hand. I just kept on walking with him and he kept on pulling my hand. I was  thoughtless, my mind was lost, I was just walking with him.

"So here we are" he said as he took a sudden stop.
I blinked for several times to get back in my concise state and gave a look around.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"You always wanted to have an experience of cliff diving, so here we are" he replied as he left my hand.

"Are you serious?" I asked as an unknown smile touched my lips.

"Yeah come on!" he replied as his eyes sparkled.

"You are sure it's safe?" I asked.

"Yeah it is" he replied.

"Ok" I said.

"Come on" he said as he gave me his hand, I held it tight.
He smiled at me and then we ran and jumped into the water.
I was thrilled, and felt like I was at the top of the world. We both kept on swimming till we saw the shore.

"It was amazing!" I shouted as I steped on the sand.

"I know and I told you that it was one hundred percent safe" he said as he folded his hands in front of him.

"Yeah let's do it again!" I said as I got wild with excitement.

"No no. One time is enough. I mean it's enough for the day let's go" he said as he started walking.

"Ok" I said as I followed him. I kept on staring and him. I got lost, all I wanted, was to get lost in his eyes. I had a rush of feelings with I didn't know how to express.

"So you feel hungry?" he asked as he broke my thoughts.

"Yeah....yeah sure. What can we have?" I asked.

"Just come" he said as he smiled.

We both walked for sometimes and then stopped in front of a hawker stawl.

"You wait here and I'll be back in sometime" he said.

"Yeah ok" I said.
He ran towards the stawl and asked the hawker for something. He then pulled his wallet out and paid for the stuff. He then came back running to me with hot dogs.

"Here you go" he said as he handed me a hot dog.

"Well thank you" I said as I took the dog from his hand.

"It's the best hot dog you can ever have in your whole life!" he said as he took a bite from his dog.

"Maybe" I said as I took a bite.
"Hm! It's damn yummy!" I said as I licked my lips.

"See I told you" he said as he smiled.

"Yeah" I said as I too smiled. We both didn't say a word the rest of the time, but kept on munching our dogs.
As we finished eating he offered me to walk home.

"So goodbye" he said as we reached the front gate.

"Goodbye" I said as I pushed my hand inside my pocket.

"See you tomorrow" he said as he smiled.

"Ok" I said as I smiled back.

"GOODBYE" he said as he waved.

"Bye" I said as I waved back.

"Don't you have to go?" he asked.

"I don't want to go" I said, and at an intense I felt as if I was stuip.

"Do you wanna walk around?" he asked.

"Yeah sure" I replied as a blush touched my cheeks.

"Come" he said as he started walking, I walked near him. I just wanted the moment to stop for a while. I never wanted it to end. I just wanted to get lost in his eyes.

"What do you want Stacy?!" my mind asked.
"Do you have something for him?" the goddess inside me asked.
"I don't know!" my heart shouted, and then everything inside me got quiet.
What was happening to me? Was I falling for this guy? Am I doing something wrong? Am I the worst person, every?
My soul got flooded with questions. And then I felt something around my waist. It was Jacob's arms wrapping me in them. He pulled me near him, we stood so close that I could feel his heart beat.

My heart beat was ranging. My flush got warm. My cheeks got as red as tomatoes, my eyes got lost. My veins were filled with blood. I felt short of breath.
What was happening to me? This was the first time when I had such a rush of feelings, I could feel adrenaline flow through my veins.

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