Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I was standing in a dark forest. The silence was heavy, suffocating even. A twig snapped, and I jumped. A girl stepped out from behind a black trunk, her face hidden by the shadows. I froze. Who was she? I could not help feeling like I had seen her before, but where? Then, I noticed a pair of silvery wings behind her back. Wings? This sight made me mentally shake myself. It's a dream, I realized, just a dream. I turned in my sleep and the image faded as I fell back into a dreamless slumber.


I woke up with a start. I had one of these dreams again. Strangely, I can never recall what they are about. Each time I try to remember, my head starts to hurt. The one thing I do know is that I feel some sort of call, like someone or something in the dream is trying to pull me towards them.

I sat up and stretched. With a smile, I realized that the pain between my shoulder blades had lessened. I could not fathom how I had gotten hurt there, but at some times the pain could become unbearable. Hopefully the ache will have completely faded by tonight.

I stepped into my adjacent bathroom and took a nice warm shower. I grabbed a pair of worn jeans and a tank top with a panda bear printed on it and brushed my long brown hair. I skipped down to the kitchen where I found my dad sipping his coffee.

"Good morning, Daddy!" I chirped happily.

"'Morning, Sweetie. Someone's in a good mood today," my dad remarked, chuckling.

"Yeah, I guess I just woke up on the right side of the bed today." I said while I grabbed myself some food. Usually, I was not a morning person. Not at all. Today was just a good day, I guess.

When I was done eating, I went back up to my room and grabbed my backpack. I left the room, but not before sending a quick smile to the picture of my mother on my desk.

I never knew my mother. She had left a few days after my birth without a trace. She had taken most of her belongings with her too, so I treasured the few that she had left. I had promised myself that when I was done with High School I would go and find her. I had no clue how, and I had no idea where to start, but I promised to find her nonetheless.

My phone beeped, signaling I had received a text message. I checked it to see that it was from my best friend, Allison.

'Hey! I'm at ur house.'

I looked out of the window to see her pink car parked in front of my house. Ali and I may have been best friends ever since I can remember, but that did not stop us from having different tastes. When I got a car, I would rather it not be pink.

I ran down the stairs to the front door, yelling goodbye to my dad as I went by. I walked up to the car and threw my bag in the back before sitting down on the passenger seat.

"Hi, Hailey! What's up?" My friend said in her usual cheery tone. Today, she was wearing a blue flower-printed dress with matching heels. We both had different opinions about the importance of dressing up for school. I really didn't care too much for it, but I guessed it was different when you were head cheerleader and had the pressure of people looking up to you.

"Hey, Ali! Nothing much, you?"

"Well, actually, I found this book at my house yesterday, and it's just amazing."

I smiled to myself. Ali loved to read, and had the ability to make the most boring book sound exciting. Sadly, I seemed to only be able of doing the opposite. Then again, Ali was a great speaker in general, so that probably helped.

Ali and I talked the whole car ride, as usual. We always found something to discuss, and awkward silences were rare in our conversation.

As I got out of the car, I got the weird feeling I was being watched. I must be becoming paranoid or something, because this had happened a lot for the past two weeks. It was the first time I had felt that way at school, though. This usually happened at home when Ali dropped me off or I went to get the mail in the morning. I looked around but no one was looking at me, so I tried to ignore the eyes boring into my back. As I had said earlier this morning, today was a good day. It was going to stay that way, too.

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