Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

After the weird encounter with the angel, I decided to skip the rest of the day and just go home. It didn't matter anyways, because I only had two periods to go. I was going to have Ali drive me, but I decided that I would just walk.

I did not want to have to explain to my best friend why I was leaving, since I knew she would only be satisfied with the truth which I was not ready to tell anyone. Also, I wanted to find out whether I really had gotten better at running or if it was just luck. Basically, I wanted to know if the angel had been telling the truth about the 'things I haven't seen yet'.

The bad thing about the word 'them' that he used is that it was plural. That meant running was not the only thing that was going to change.

Wait a minute. Was I becoming a werewolf? I started freaking out, but the reasonable side of my brain quickly took over, and I slapped myself for thinking something so ridiculous. Yeah, I actually slapped myself in the middle of the street, with an old lady walking past me. She shot me a weird look which I probably deserved.

Come on, Hailey. How in the world could you be a werewolf? You're not the gorgeous main character of some teen-fiction where half of the people at school are shape shifting creatures. This is real life. There are no werewolves in the real life. Plus, have you ever read a werewolf fiction where people were visited by angels? Yeah, that would be weird. I calmed myself from my little crazy moment. I had too much weird stuff for a day: it was starting to affect me even when I was doing something as common as walking down the street.

The realization that I had arrived home interrupted my inner monologue. I realized I was not the least bit breathless even though I had been walking at a pretty fast pace. To be honest, having a better stamina was turning out to be pretty nice.

I did not want to think about my weird day anymore, so I decided to bake. My dad loves to cook, and he passed it on to me. Baking is one of my favorite things to do at any given time, and it has been that way since I was five.

I decided to bake chewy chocolate chip cookies. I would bring some to our neighbor, Miss Rose. She lives alone, and I know she really appreciates when I drop by. When I was younger and Daddy had to leave for a day or two, I would sometimes stay at her house. Now still, she keeps an eye on me if she knows I'm alone in the house. She gave me one of her old cookbooks last year for Christmas, and I have had so much fun using them.

It took me about forty five minutes to finish baking the cookies. I made about two dozen and put some of them on a paper plate with a post-it note on which 'Ms. Rose' was written. I would bring them to her later.

I went up to my room and let myself fall backwards on my bed.

"Ow!" I yelled as pain shot through me.

I rolled over so that I was lying on my stomach, my face in my pillow. Why did that hurt so much? I mean, I did that all the time and never got hurt.

It was strange, but I really was not sure where I hurt. It wasn't my back, it was more like... Gosh, I don't know! It was probably just my back and for some reason it felt weird.

I checked my bed to see if I had fallen on my phone or something, but there was no object that could have hurt me.

I went to the bathroom and took off my shirt to see if it had left a mark. I turned my back to the mirror and craned my head around.

What I saw then left me gasping in shock.

I stood there for a full minute, my eyes bulging out of their sockets, before I remembered that I had to breathe if I didn't want to suffocate. I turned my gaze away from my reflection and took several deep breaths.

I slapped myself to make sure I was not dreaming. The sting told me I was very much awake.

I turned back to the mirror. They were still there. It was not a dream.

I had a pair of feathery wings sprouting from my back.

Well on the plus side, now I was sure I wasn't becoming a werewolf.

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