Chapter Two: Where Am I?

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I woke up in some kind of laboratory. I look around catching a glimpse at some chemicals that don't appear to be from Earth. Then I remember I spent part of my life in another dimension, Dimension X, I think, then escaped at the age four. Some of the various chemicals were a glowing bluish-green  others were a poison pink, a very dark purple, and some were colored warning orange. I tried moving I was on a table strapped down good. Not even my wolf form would break me free. A sudden jolt of alarm washes over me as a door opens and two people come in. One of them covered in head to toe in armor with a messed up eye. The other one was some kind of person that appears to be a scientist, a mad scientist to me.

"Is this the one you were looking for Master Shredder," the scientist asked the man in the armor.

"Yes, Stockman," Shredder responded.

They move towards me. Of course I pretend to still be unconscious. It worked for a couple seconds. Then they eyed me like I was faking. I just open my eyes and groaned.

"Are you Faith," Stockman asked demandingly.

"It depends who's asking," I said nonchalantly.

"Look little girl, we don't have time for your games," Shredder yelled.

"What do you want from me," I asked extremely terrified.  I take a breathe.

"It's simple you are gonna be tested on and you will serve me as your Master. And in return I will grant you a home and protection."

It was like he heard my pleas for some where to stay. But how can I be sure that I can truly trust them.

"How do I know you won't kill me or anything?"

"You don't know that we will," Stockman answers.

That answer sets me off. Just by that answer they most likely would. Just then the door swings open yet again. That girl and the skeleton dog show up from before. Anybody but them.

"Father, the Turtles are here. Xenver and Tigerclaw are dealing with them," the girl exclaims.

The skeleton dog just stands there looking at me in a strange way. He facial expression was entirely unreadable. Shredder just stands there in complete anger. I feel the tension. Wait, TURTLES? They are most likely kids in some costumes or other. Then an idea enters my head.

"Hey, I can help. These turtles haven't seen anything like me so they won't stand a chance. I promise to obey."

Shredder just stands there for a couple seconds. Then gives Stockman a nod. Stockman unhooked me and I stood up. I gave him a thankful look. The girl ran out and followed not far behind. We get to some kind of throne room. In the room stands a humanized tiger, a robotic fish and four humanized turtles. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at us.

"Karai," a turtle in a blue bandana and twin katana blades shouts as he goes after her.

"Oh, I can take out the new girl. Piece of cake. Booyakasha," a turtle in an orange bandana and twin nunchucks shouts as he came after me.

I quickly clear my mind and transform into my wolf form. The turtle eyes me in complete fear. I tackled him to the ground as he scream out in surprise. I tried to bite him but in defense he used the chain of his nunchuck to fight back, I keep trying to bite him. His sky blue eyes keep widening in utter fear. Suddenly I was tackled off by another turtle. This one had a red bandana and twin sai. Without thinking I turn back to human form. Before I hit the ground my ribcage cracked loudly. We land with him on top of me. My ribcage cracked once again. He pinned me down by my hands and looked like he was gonna say something. I dismissed it and kicked his his pastern hard. He got off of me in a second.

Everyone else remains fighting each other. In complete and total fear I run out of the whole building glancing back once to see where I was. I was in TCRI.

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