Chapter Fifteen: Jealousy (Faith's PoV)

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Once we got out of April's Apartment we headed to the sewers. Well at least trying to get home without being caught by the humans. I don't need any more attention from humans. We get to a nearby alleyway with a manhole and climb down. On the way down I hiss in pain from my rib cage hurting. Everyone ran to my side in an instant. I look at everyone.
"I got it, I don't need help," I growl glaring at e everyone. I notice what I did. "Oh, no, I'm so sorry."
They all give me an understanding look and continue to the lair. With me following behind them not far behind. Mikey then decided to get my wolf side all hyped up and everything, by making a whole bunch of noisesas he pretended to tackle me. I turn to my wolf form and just go long with it. I got into a dog position that pretty much says lets play... or at least tried to get into that position anyway. I immediatly try to turn back to my human form... but no such luck. I couldn't change back. This is not good... I made a whimpering sound... Donnie seemed to notice along with Leo.
"You okay, Faith," Leo beat Donnie with the question.
I shook my wolf head no as much as I can. They looked at each other than back to me with worried looks. We walk into the lair. Donnie motioned me to follow him. Which I did. I don't know what he will do to me. And that's the scary part. He picked me up and put me on the operation table and called one of his brothers in to help. Probably to hold me down while he wraps me up. A couple seconds later Raph came in and forgot to close the door.
Then I did what every animal animal does when they're terrified. I bolted out of the lab. Donnie and Raph both chased after me for at least ten minutes and finally caught me. When the chase was over a lot of things were knocked over, some comic books wrinkled or ripped. This is going to not be easy. They should know that I will do it again. They stuggled to bring me back to the lab. Only this time they closed the door. I was once again placed on the operation table. Raph was holding me down hard enough for me not to move but light enough for Donnie actually able to wrap me up.
They finally let me out of the lab. I wander to the living room area to find Mikey and Leo panicking. The comics that were destroyed were Mikey's. And Leo knew he would have to clean up most of the mess.
I made a whimpering sound saying that it was my fault. I mean it was my fault. Mikey walks up to me and I only hang my head in shame. Is Mikey mad at me? What about Leo? Or even Donnie? Or even worse... Raph? My ears flatten against my head and tail between hind legs. Like this I slowly walk away thinking he didn't want to deal with me. So I walked back to Donnie's lab. He was sitting down worknig on something. I walk over to him and sit down resting my head on his leg, with my ears flattened against my head. Donnie stopped what he was doing and looked down at me. He smiled and began to pet my head.
The happy moment was ruined when that half cat mutant ran in the lab looking around frantically. Donnie moved all of his attention to the new comer in the lab. I couldn't help but feel jealous, when an animal like me had all the attention at first then it moves to something else in an instant I tend to get jealous. Almost instantly I began whining trying to get his attention. He didn't budge. He kept watching the half cat mutant chuckling. I didn't give up though. I began making whining dog sounds, kinda like whine barks. Nothing. I nudged his hand with my head. Still nothing.
I just left, with my wolf head hung down and ears flattened against head and tail between hind legs. I wanted nothing more than attention and love. To the next brother, Leo. Hopefully he will mae me feel wanted and actually loved. I found him in the living room area relaxing on the couch. I went up to him and nudge his side with my head. He immediatly began petting me. Finally I feel like I actually want to be loved. This lasted for about five minutes. That little pest came out and stole Leo's attention from me. I tried the same things I did to Donnie to try and get his attention. He didn't even budge once. Then I can go to Mikey.
Once again I leave and go to find Mikey. I found him in the kitchen cooking. I didn't even bother try getting his attention. He would probably burn the lair down. Let's hope Raph will give me the attention the others failed to give me. Yes I am a teenager but I'm an animal that feeds off emotion. I wander around a little bit until I found Raph in his room. This is weird what am I doing? No all I need right now is attention. I sat down by his bed and nudged his arm with my head. He sits up and moves over patting the spot next to him. I put one paw up to make sure it was okay. I look at Raph and he just nods. I jump up all the way and lay down next to him. He begins petting me. My tail began to wag with happiness. He only smiled at this.
The half cat mutant walked by the room and looked in. And walked away. Raph continued to pet me until I fell asleep.

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