Chapter fourteen: I'm Really Sorry (Casey's PoV)

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I was driving down to Red/'s apartment to help her with something, I forget what... But as I was driving there an animal, I think it was a dog that ran out in front of my car. I honked the horn in hopes it would move away. It didn't run in time though, I panicked and hit the breaks and hope I didn't hit it. Then I hear a dog yelp and a thud... I stopped the car and got out to see how much damage I have done, it didn't look bad. I immediately pick the dog up and put it in the back of the car. I hope Red can help me. I finally get there to find her standing outside. I stop the car and get out.
"Red, don't kill me but... I think it might be easier to show you," I say.
She gave me a confused look. I walk to the back of the vehicle and open the back door. Red looked inside and gasped while putting a hand over her mouth. I knew this would be her reaction... Wait?!? Why is she giving me that look? I look in the car and saw... Faith. Oh God they're going to kill me.
"Casey, what the heck," April began yelling at me. "How are we going to tell them that you hit her? How hard did you hit her anyway?"
"Don't know," I respond.
"What do you mean you don't know," April yelled getting all frustrated. 
"I don't know, I just heard the yelp and got out of the car to see if I actually hit her," I argued.
"Let's get her inside before anyone sees her," Red said.
I agreed and moved to the body and picked her up as carefully as I can. This is going to be hard. Red opened the door and I walk in quickly. Once inside we walked up to her apartment. We got there and I put her on the couch. April takes out her phone and calls the Turtles. This is not going to end well for me.
"Hey, Donnie. Did Faith run away? Oh, well I have her here in my apartment. Okay, see you guys soon," she talked into the phone and I couldn't hear the other side of the conversation.
At least twenty minutes later they all show up at the apartment. We let them in and everything.
"How did you find her," Leo asked.
"Casey, sorta hit her while she was supposedly in dog form," April responds.
"What, you hit her," Raph asked getting up in my face all angry.
"I didn't see her jump out in front of me. When I saw her I honked my horn and stepped on the breaks," I respond.
"But, you hit her," Raph responded still angry but backed away.
"Well the good news is Casey didn't hit her had enough to actually break any bones but he hit her hard enough to actually get some deep cuts and scraps," Donnie said while examining Faith's body. "She has some scratches on her stomach, legs, arms, and one across her left cheek."
"Oh God, I didn't mean to," I say quietly.
"You hit her, and all you can say is sorry," Raph yelled.
Everyone knew that nothing would stop Raph from hurting me. Almost on que, Faith began to stur and groan. Raph pushed everyone out his way and kneeled next to Faith. She opened her eyes.
"Hey, how are you feeling," Raph asked quitely.
"Fine, just really sore," Faith responds hoarsly.
I felt extreamly bad for Faith, well a lot more than bofore. This is all my fault. I should have been paying more attention to the road. Now Faith is hurt because of me. I copy what Raph did but I grabbed her hand. She seemed really shocked but didn't try and move her hand away.
"Faith, I'm really sorry," I whisper on the verge of tears.
Faith partly sat up to get a better look at me.
"Its fine, no need to appologize. There was nothing you could have done. If this is anyone's fault it mi-" she began but I cut her off.
"But I hit you with my car. I could have killed you," I said.
"Casey, thats not the first time I've been hit with a car," Faith whispered hoarsly.
"Faith, we should get you back to my lab. Just to make sure you are fully alright," Donnie said.
Raph helps Faith get up. I tried to help but he didn't let me.

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