Chapter Four: You Saved Me?!?

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After I started running off I didn't look back. I just ran, I had no idea where I was going. But, that didn't matter. Ever since the old lady passed I refused to live with anyone. I know what you're going to say 'Faith you have been looking for some where to stay but you didn't take the Turtles offer because you let your past haunt you.' I don't even know them, how can I be sure that I can actually trust them? Besides, I'm gonna look at the bright side of this. I don't have to share anything but then again I'm a lone wolf. Not even a pack to protect me vise versa. There's a rustle behind me. I turn around quickly. Nothing.

I whip back around and saw the Turtles. Did they follow me? Or is this an illusion? I'm crazy aren't I.

Donnie walks up to me giving me a look I didn't recognize. This is weird. They all held different looks. Leo had an expression that was part way concerned and yet held relief. Mikey had a happy expression. Raph held a boring straight face. I just glace at them.

"Look, I'm sorry but I don't want to live with you," I said breaking the silence.

"Then why'd you run," Donnie asked.

"I just live don't well with others," I answered softly slightly embarrassed. I just look at them with my multicolored eyes. One of them ocean blue than the other one was red. I know weird yet cool. I didn't notice the street light on and they caught the color of my eyes.

Donnie just stared at me for quite some time. Just great, still an outcast even with a group of mutants.

"Not trying to sound rude or anything but can you guys just leave me alone," I ask wanting them to leave and not follow me. But then I want them to stay so I'm not alone.

They all look at me understandingly. Geez, I didn't mean to hurt their feelings. They leave then I smell the skeleton scent again. Great, ambush.

"Look, do you really think I wanna join your little band," I ask out loud.

He jumps down along with some kind of robotic fish. Then a bunch of robot ninjas show up.

"Yep, ambush," I whisper to myself.

"So, what makes this puppy so special? Obviously not her eyes," the fish said.

"Yeah, and you think you're so special. You're nothing but a mere fish out of tank," I insulted him.

He made a hissing noise that was undescribable. I quickly turn into my wolf form knowing what would happen next. I let out a battle cry and went into action. I snapped at the fish and got kicked in the jaw. This was going to be harder than I thought. I went up to the skeleton dog and snapped at him. He didn't expect this. Why do all the bad things have to happen to me? Think, Faith, think, what would their weakness. Where's the voice? Why isn't it helping me? Just take them down no matter what. I look at the dog again and try to attack him again. When I got close enough he flipped me over and I cry out in pain since I hit the ground pretty hard. The cry was loud enough for the whole city wake up.

The ninjas walk toward me with some chains. I try to get up on my feet just as soon as I got up something stung my thigh. I howl out in pain. I turn back to human and reach for the thing that shot me. I felt it and ripped it out of my thigh it was... a TRANQUILIZER DART? I look at it for a couple seconds and throw it at a random direction. It hit one of the many ninjas. I shake my head to try to get rid of the sudden tiredness that invaded me. I ran at one of the mutants to only be hit and I fell back down to the ground.

I slowly close my eyes and try to focus on my breathing. Then after I fell asleep I hear a whole bunch of metal clashing and then I felt a cold hand on my neck. Most likely checking my pulse then I'm lifted in the air in someone's arms. Who ever it was it was extremely welcoming. Then I finally was no longer responsive. Wonder who it is.

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