Chapter Ten: A Fight That Had Help(Raphael's Point of View)

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Leatherhead told us something was going down at TCRI and he needed our help. Leo told us to get our gear and everything I need. He also told Faith to stay behind. At least I have less of a chance of losing her. I really think I love. Everything about her. Her eyes, the way she worries about me, her smile, her beautiful wolf form. Who am I kidding? Someone as elegant as Faith. I mean the way she panicked when I got hit with Donnie's wrench. I don't know but when I'm around her I feel calm like Lameonardo calm. And we all know how calm he truly is. Extremely calm.

We get into the Shell Razor. We all got into our stations. Leo driving. Donnie doing whatever he does. Mikey looking at the map figuring out where to go. And then there's me stationed at weapons. This has always been heaven to me. Leatherhead most likely following us in the sewers as well as he can.

"Approaching TCRI now," Leo announced fearlessly. "Just be ready for anything. It is the Foot and Shredder who we're talking about."

We came to a stop in front of the building and we get out of the Shell Razor. We make our way into the building. Once we were inside we made Leatherhead the distraction with all the Foot bots while we went to the Shredder's Throne Room. We were inside and he wasn't there. At least we didn't notice him until he attacked Donnie and Mikey. Crap, we're going to die. At least I will go out in honor.

"What do you want with Faith, Shredhead," I demanded.

"What is it to you dumb turtles? Well I mind as well tell you since you won't live long enough to find out," he began. "She is able to switch forms and then I can have her kill you turtles with her wolf form and walk away in her humanoid form causing your Master to not know it was her that killed the four of you."

I take out my sai and get ready to fight with our biggest moral enemy. Leo follows my lead and takes out his twin katana. Donnie and Mikey get up and take out their weapons. We get into fight stances. I was the first to charge. I began attacking him, well the best I could. Leo and Donnie joined the fight and finally Mikey.

"And I thought you were a Master Ninja. Well I got to you once," I teased as we kept fighting from multiple angles.

We fought for at least five more minutes when a window smashed. All of us even Shredder stopped to see who it was. And all I can see is the shadow. Obviously female. She moved into the light.... FAITH? My brothers and I all look at her with wide eyes. She charged for Shredder and tackled him to the ground. She got a few good swings in until he threw Faith into a wall.

"I thought I told you to stay behind," Leo yelled.

"You see what happened was I am here to get him back for abducting me," she hollered back as she dodged an attack. "That's it!"

Faith turned to wolf form and attacked Shedder from behind. While he was focused on us. Faith bit his leg and all Shredder can do was howl in pain. He gave Faith a death glare and tried to attack her with his bladed hand. I ran over to her quickly and blocked the attack. Faith yelped in surprise and backed away turning back to human. My brothers and I take over completely at least until we go Shredder focused on nobody but us and Faith was about to attack. She was about to pounce and she gets tackled by his snotty little girl, Karai. They began fighting.

"What are you doing with the Turtles," Karai yelled and blocked another attack.

"I could ask you the same thing about Shredder," Faith shot back. "Well at least I'm with my own kind and not a liar!"

"Heh, well at least I got to you once," Karai laughed.

Faith seemed to be losing it.

"You drugged me," she yelled for all of New York to hear.

Faith continued to attack. But then something seemed off about her. She began to wheeze and gasp for air.

"FAITH," I screamed and everyone looked her way.

This angered me. So then the only thing I can think of was throw a few smoke bombs down and grab Faith and exit this place. I grabbed Faith after the smoke screen filled the room. We all made a run for it.

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