Chapter Five: Time Spent in Dimension X

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I woke up in some kind of tank. A glass tank. I glance up and see mutagen above my head. I look out of the tank and see a whole bunch of Kranng out there setting up for an experiment. Yup, and I'm it. One of the many Kranng walk up to the tank and looks directly at me.

"The one known as Faith has woken up. Then Kranng can start what is known as experimenting with what is known as mutagen," the Kranng stated emotionless. I tried to run to only be reminded that I'm inside a tank.

No way out. Oh no. I'm gonna be mutated twice. I don't wanna be mutated again. Just then I felt something dropped on my head. It became very painful. What did I do to deserve this amount of pain? Nothing. Then again they're aliens that have no emotions. I began screaming hoping someone would come to my rescue. Anyone. Not even the other mutant who promised to protect me from everything. He's a crocodile mutant, he's a cool dude. Almost like the father figure I never had. My breathing quickened. I screamed some more then the other mutant came through a random window and took the Kranng out. Once they were all down he smashed the glass tank I was in. I didn't turn into a full mutant but I gained the ability to transform into my wolf form. He cradled me out of the building type thing and put me behind a crystal that reacts to sound. I sat there, trying to calm down from the amount of pain that I've endured.

"Faith, there's a portal go through it and I'll protect you from any danger that comes your way," Crocodile called out pointing to a purple swirl that was in another island.

I already knew how to get across. I start jumping across. I was jumping towards the island that had the portal and I suddenly lost my balance grabbing onto the ledge holding onto it with all my might. Crocodile came over and pulled me up.

"I will see you another time, Faith," Crocodile whispered.

"Good bye," I exclaim as I hug him knowing that I will eventually see him again.

With that he tossed me in and I fell until I hit some kind of ground. I miss him already. It was light out and a human, I think that's what they are saw me and ran off screaming. The screaming alerted so many things. Some sirens went off scaring me so I went into hiding and only came out when it's dark out. I learned that the hard way. I just hope I see Crocodile again.

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