Chapter Seven: You Aren't Scared?

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I was in the living room watching some show called Space Heroes. It's actually confusing at first but once you watch enough it's as clear as day. Leo loved this show and I can understand why. This is a very good show.

"So, you like the show," Leo asked randomly.

"Yeah. It's actually confusing that your brothers don't like it. They watch Super Robo Mecha Force 5 and they don't like this," I respond.

We went back to watching. There was no more speaking for like fifteen minutes until Mikey ran in the room. He came in with some humans and I ran and hid.

"Hey, Leo, where's Faith," Mikey asked his eldest brother.

"She ran off," Leo answered.

"Faith. Come here Faith," Mikey yelled through the lair.

Does he think I'm a dog? Did he not remember what I told him? Obviously not. He calls for me again. I ran into Donnie's lab and hid once again. Great I'm just a scared little wolf. I'm not used to humans. The doors to the lab open followed by a voice.

"Faith, are ya in here," it was Raph after he said that I heard some footsteps.

The footsteps stop. Don't look under here. The footsteps stop next to where I am. He kneels down and sees me.

"Are you okay, Faith," he asked.

"Umm... Sorry I just not used to being around humans and things that would-" I begin to say.

"They aren't going to hurt you. If they try I will protect you," he tries to comfort me. He puts a hand out and smiles, not a fake smile.

I reach for it smiling back. How come he's so nice to me? I'm just another mutant and I don't think I need all of this attention. But then again who am I kidding, I am being hunted. I don't want to become a gazelle in the lions den. We begin walking out. I hiding behind him of course. See I'm not as tough as I look. Raph moves out from in front of me leaving the humans. I wave shyly.

"So are you another mutant," asks a girl with red hair and blue eyes.

"Yeah," I answer.

"So then why do you look like part wolf but mostly human," asks a boy with black hair and brown eyes.

"Something went wrong during my mutation," I answer.

"My name is April," the girl introduces herself.

"I'm Faith," I introduce myself.

"Well, Faith, I'm the one and only Casey Jones," the boy introduces.

"I don't think that's entirely true. Since there is a lot people named Faith," I retort.

"And this is the beginning to a very beautiful friendship," April laughed.

"So why are your eyes to different colors," Casey asked.

"I really don't know," I answer.

"Fay, here never had pizza at least until yesterday," Mikey pretty much yelled as he pointed to me.

"I don't think every-" I began

"What!? You never truly had pizza before," Casey flipped out and got very close to me and I stepped back a little bit causing him to lean a little too much. He leaned a little more and fell. "She's rightfully my new best friend. Then Raph is no longer my best friend."

Raph seemed to get very jealous about this. Oh no, really don't know how this will end.

"But dude she's supposed to be my best friend," Mikey whined.

"Mikey, not trying to hurt your feelings or anything. But I never agreed to be anyone's friend. That and I barely know any of you, so who's to say that you won't kill me in my sleep," I said. "But we can all be friends at least until I know you a little better. If that's okay."

Mikey looked as if he was going to start crying.

"Look Mikey it's not you. It's just that I am still trying to get used to being around so many other living organisms at once. It will take me a while to get used to," I whispered.

Mikey just looked at me and gave me another breathe taking bear hug. I hissed in pain and he let go.

"Sorry. Are you okay," Mikey asked.

"Yeah no harm done," I answered.

"So then how come you're here in New York," April asked.

"That might be a story for another time," I answered.

"So anyways I think we should get going Red. Don't want to keep our date with our third wheel waiting," Casey said as he grabbed April's hand and runs out of the lair.

That was weird. But I guess that's how human teenagers are now in days. Who am I to judge? I mean come on I'm a mutant that is still learning a lot I might through in.

"So you will stay to be my best friend," Mikey asked me.

All I can do is nod in response. He hugged me again a little gentler.

"So, Donnie, April is the one you like more than a friend isn't she," I asked smirking.

Donnie began blushing like crazy. Yep she defiantly is the one he likes more than a friend. Then Raph, on the other hand why was he being so nice to me? I will ask him later. But for now I have to just stare into his green eyes and try to read his mind about why. Why am I thinking about about his eyes? His beautiful electric green eyes that are so beautiful that I would do anything to have my eye color like that. They are just so outstanding and everything else. I mentally slap myself until my blood cells decided to migrate to my face and cheeks. Oh great.

"Guys, it's time for training. Faith you're more than welcome to watch us if you want to learn a thing or two," Leo said and headed off to the dojo.

This should be interesting.

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