Chapter Eight: Raphael's Point of View

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Leo told Faith that she can come watch us train. She is going to love watching us train. We all walk into the dojo where Master Splinter was waiting for us. We all bow and Faith followed our action and did the same.

"I hope that you are all well rested and ready for today's training," Master Splinter said in his always wise voice. "So Raphael will go up against Leonardo. Michelangelo will go up against Donatello. Faith you can have a seat next to me and watch the others train."

Faith nods and walks to sit by Sensei and she watches. We all get into a battle stance and wait for the word for us to begin.

"Hajamai," Splinter bellowed.

Lameonardo and I circled each other waiting for someone to make the first move. We circled until I got tired of waiting and tackled Leo to the ground. I felt a pair of eyes on me. I turn my head slightly to see Faith's red and blue eyes watching me then she did something that made my heart melt she smiled. While I was distracted for the slightest amount of time Leo managed to get out from under me and pin me down on the ground.

"Looks like the heartless one has a major crush on a certain someone," Leo whispered to me while smirking.

This just made my anger rise up by a lot. Then Sensei yelled at all of us to stop fighting. Leo got off of me and my anger rose up even more. Nobody takes me down and gets away with it! While Leo was walking up to Master Splinter I tackled him once again. I began punching him with everything I got. I punched him until Donnie and Mikey pulled me away from Leo.

"Raphael, was that truly the right thing to do to Leonardo," Sensei asked getting angry as he helped Leo back onto his feet.

"Leo, I'm really sorry. It's just that-" I began but was cut off.

"You're not used to losing. And you're sounding like Faith," Leo added. "It's okay. You got angry."

"That was actually kind of cool. You guys were just like swoosh, slash, and stab no other words to put it," Faith exclaimed while moving her arms every where she can with out hitting anyone.

"So Fay since training is over how about you and I play some games," Mikey said while putting an arm around her shoulder.

That simple action just made me angry. I don't know why. Wait, do I, do I have feelings for Faith? Nah, I'm the one who doesn't show any love to anyone. Mikey and Faith left the dojo and wen to the living room. I follow them out to the living room and Mikey sets up the game. Most likely some thing similar to Halo or even Resident Evil. Yeah, something with a lot of violence.

"Wait! What!? How!?" Mikey yelled frantically pushing buttons while Faith was just trying to hold in her laughter.

"I don't know," Faith laughs out.

I can't handle this, so I went to the punching bag. I don't even know why I'm so angry.

"And didn't you say nobody can defeat you in video games," Faith joked still laughing.

Her laughing is really cute.

"But you cheated," Mikey exclaimed.

"Yeah what ever helps you sleep at night," Faith said while practically dying on the floor from laughing. "How 'bout we play a different game? Like uhh, Left for Dead."

"No, then Raphie or Leo would want to play," Mikey protested.

"Mikey don't call me Raphie," I yelled clenching my hand in a fist.

"But, Faith said it," Mikey said.

"If I called him that don't you think I would have been trying to get his attention," Faith protested.

"But you were thinking it," Mikey smirks.

"Mikey, you said it and that's final. Besides Faith doesn't have a very low voice," I yelled and charged after my younger brother.

Faith grabbed my arm and I look at her.

"No need to chase Raph. If you have any issues with someone you tell someone else and let them do the punishing. There's not even enough reasoning to chase after your brother unless he did something majorally wrong towards you," Faith whispered to me only loud enough for me to here. "I would know this because I a ton of bad things happen between siblings growing up and they never spoke again and even if they did they would have threatened each others lives."

"You know all of this because you watched people kids grow up," I asked.

"If you have nothing better to do then mind as well learn a thing or two from families around. Learn from others if you don't have a family of your own. Sad I know but I knew I would have to learn a thing or two from everyone around me," Faith whispered while letting go of my arm.

"No, it's actually kind of cute in a way," I whisper.

"Y-you think I'm c-c-cute," Faith asked while blushing.

Great, now I've became a softie. I can't take it back now. All I can do is shake my head and blush a slight pink. She just smiles at me and walks off to God knows where. When she was out of sight Mikey approached me.

"You like her don't you," Mikey asked me.

"I think like would be an under statement Mikey," I answered. The next thing that shocked me the most was that Mikey was wiggling his eyebrows up and down. I just look at him and he runs off.

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