Chapter Sixteen: Something is Not Right About Her

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I woke back up in Raph's room and look around remembering how I got there. Raph wasn't here. I jump out of bed and walk out of the room. I have absolutly no idea what time it was or where everyone was. That made me panick a little. Then I heard laughing coming from the living room area. I made my way there and see the little cat mutant doing a whole bunch of random stupid things. Since I wasn't able to turn back to my human form I just sat there watching and observing her. I wanted attention at least a little bit of attention. So I walk away and go into a different part of the lair. It was the kitchen. Mikey was in there. I walk over to him, he seemed to be waiting for something. I decided to get a little attention from him until whatever he's working on is done.
"Morning, Faith," Mikey gleamed cheerfully as he petted me.
I wagged my tail in responce. He petted me until an alarm went off. He pulled out something that looks like food. Probably breakfast. It smelled really good. Since I was hungry, I ran into the living room. I nudged everyone's arm and they turned around looking at me. I just ran to the kitchen hoping they got the message. Which they did. A couple seconds later everyone was at the table minus me of course. I knew I can not beg for the food. But Leo ended up giving me some food without me begging. I looked at him greatfully and ate. While eating the food Leo pet me, that was probably a bad idea. I'm not used to anyone touching me while I eat. So in responce I let out a low growl, so he could only hear it.
"Faith, its okay. I won't hurt you," Leo whispered trying to calm me down.
I think it's the fact that I think he was going to destract me so that the mutant cat can get the food. I was living on the streets for many years and well that tends to stay with me. The only rule I learned was eat what you can and don't waste anything. But I'm trying to change. As I was eating I felt a pair of eyes on me. And they weren't the guys. It was the little mutant cat. Something about her seems so firmiluar. I finished and for the rest of the day where ever she went (besides the bathroom) I went. Something just feels off about her. It's like I know her from somewhere.
A few hours later she began acting stranger. That was until April and Casey showed up. She began to do something out of the ordinary. She is not what you think she is...

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