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*Lucy's p.o.v*

I'm Lucy Matthews. I'm an outcast in my own family and school and I accept that. It's been like that since the day I was born. I have only three friends. I'm fifteen, turning sixteen. My parents are letting me have a party, which majorly surprised me. If I'm lucky three people will show up. People just don't like me, never have. I accepted that a long time ago. My family only tolerates me. But whatevs.

I have two brothers and a sister. Zach is eighteen. He's the oldest. He is also super popular at school. He's the perfect athlete.He plays every sport out there, except girl sports of course. He has also dated like half the girls at our school. On top of everything he graduates next month. Then Jack and Suzan are the twins. They're seventeen. They aren't as popular as Zach, but they're close. Suzan is an amazing dancer and she is super smart. Jack plays lacrosse and is super fast and good at nearly everything he does.

Then there's me. I ruin everything I touch, at least that's what my parents say. When in all honesty I'm just really curious, I try to figure out how things work, I build things that no one currently could even think of building. I'm smart, and super in to fantasy. I love werewolves, they are my favorite. I also love fairies. My parents, siblings, and everyone at school hates that my world tends to revolve around supernatural creatures that aren't even real. At least that's what they believe, I on the other hand think that they may be out there, in secluded places. There may be whole villages of them out there. I hope I find them someday. I need out of this town.
















Hope you enjoy my book!!!

Tell me if there is anything that you think I should improve at, don't hold anything back, I need to know.

After each ch. I've decided to ask a question...

So here it goes...

How old are you guys? How old do you think I am?👶🚼

Lucy above^

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