Chapter 14

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Lucy's P.O.V.

"Hey, Luce!"Kelly, Lily, Nichole, and Valerie said as they came up from behind me. 

Kelly then draped her arm over my left shoulder and Nichole did the same on my other shoulder. then Lily did that to Kelly and Valerie did to Nichole... Okay, somethings up...

"What's up, guys?" I asked hesitantly...

"Nothing, just wondering if you possibly wanted to come to a sleepover this weekend. Oh, and just so you know that is not a question, that is a command..." They all said at once, I have a feeling they rehearsed this whole thing.

"Where at?"

Kelly, broke away and stood before me, doing a little finger wave at me. "My house, of course." She replied. "Oh, and we have something that you ought to know... Nichole and Valerie are fairies and Lily is a werewolf, she lives in the pack house with me. So you are going to be surrounded by a lot of werewolves. Also, since you say that you've already met your mate in wolf form, you will finally get to meet him in human form..."

"So, something you guys should know, I've already met him in human form... It's the alpha, Colin Lunarmoon..."

"Awesome!" They all exclaimed.

We all smiled... Then something dawned on me... "Wait, Nichole? Valerie? You guys are fairies?"

They nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, we are." They said together.

"Lily, you're a werewolf?"

"Yep, I am."

"Why are you people just now telling me this...?"

"We didn't want to frighten you by all of this, plus you had no clue about any of this, and I'm the only one who knew about you." Kelly said."I started hanging with you from the very first day, because I knew that you would be my kind. I knew you wold be a wolf. Lily started hanging out with the cheerleaders because it was what she was good at, but she didn't really fit in with them. So, she decided to hang with well, me originally, but it soon became us, not just me, she found a place that she felt like she belong... And Alex, Nichole, and Valerie, they are family friends of mine, even though they are fairies, so of course they would hang with us..."

"What about Mark?"

"What about him?" Kelly asked.

"Well, is he, you know, like us?" I'm curious, he's the only one who she didn't mention.

"No! Not at all. He is a completely ordinary human being..."

"Oh, okay."

"Come on!" Nichole said pulling me towards the cafeteria, "We are starved!" I laugh, and follow her.

When we get there I see Colin waiting for me, I smile at him. He walks towards us and says. "Kelly, Lily, mind if I borrow Lucy for a little while?"

"She's ours today! You get her everyday!" Nichole said.

"Whatever, we can't really stop you, considering you are the alpha and she is your mate..." Kelly said and Colin gave me an odd look.

"You told them." It wasn't a question, but I found myself nodding anyways. "Well, I'll see you guys later." He said as he guided me to his classroom. 

When we got there he shut and locked the door behind us. "I heard that you were coming over for that sleepover this weekend." 

"Yeah, I am."

He smiled and walked towards me. He tilted my chin up and brought his mouth to mine. we both closed our eyes and wrapped our arms around each other. He then slid his hands down and but them on my ass, but no way in hell was I complaining. I then brought my arms up and put them on his shoulders and stood on my tip toes. 

He then started to put his hands under my shirt at the small of my back. He started to slowly bring his right hand slowly up my right side, either to tease or to to test his limits, I loved it. He finally reached my breast and he played with the edge of my bra a little bit, I could tell he was teasing now. Then finally he put his hand inside of my bra and cupped my boob. Gawd this felt good.

My wolf decided to take over then for a little bit. She brought our hands to the hem of his shirt and then under, she brought our hands to his chest and started to rub our hands up and down his chest. I could tell she wanted to go much farther though, but then the bell rang signalling the end of lunch and she let go of her control.

We pulled away and smiled at each other.

"Your wolf sure is feisty. She likes to be in control and she wanted to go much farther. I like it." Colin said in a husky voice.

"Yeah..." Was all I could think to say.

"You, my love, better get going to class." He gave me a small kiss before he turned me toward the door, and said "Go, or you're going to be late!"

I did as he said and left. I can't wait to see him later...

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Love you people!

Hope you're enjoying!

Question time!

I don't think I asked this, Sorry if I did, but... What's your favorite candy?

Mine's skittles...

***Just so you people know, if any of my chapters have doubled things,like it say the same thing twice in a row, it is not my fault, cause I didn't write it that way, but I know on mine at least I was looking at it and it was doing that, but I then went to check if it was like that when I wrote it, so I went to edit it, but it didn't have any of that... Hope that made sense...

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