Chapter 5

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"Hey, Lucy!" Mark calls from across the cafeteria. I smile and wave.

When they reach us, Lily says,"Hey, Lucy! This is Nichole." She said pointing to the girl with long black shiny hair.

"And this is Valerie." Mark butted in, pointing to the girl with strawberry blonde wavy hair.

"And we see you have already met Alex." They say at the same time.

"Uh, yeah." Just then I see the new teacher, Mr. Lunarmoon walking into the cafeteria towards us.

"Lucy, can I talk to you?" He asks. 

"Um, yeah, sure, but can I get food first?" I answer.

"Oh, yeah, of course. Don't want to starve you. Just meet me in my classroom when you get your food.... Or I have pizza... If you want some."

"Yeah, that'd be great!" I say as I follow him to his room.

When we get there I ask, "So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"I want to get to know you, since you are going to be my assistant for the rest of the year."

"Wait, I thought it was just a month?" 

"Um, actually, I just got word that your previous teacher had died and they want be to be her permanent replacement."

"How did she die?" I ask.

"I was told a heart attack..."

"Wow..." was the only thing I could think to say.

"I'm sorry you had to find out about your teachers passing this way."

I shrug, I barely knew her anyway, but the little I did know, told me that it was bound to happen sooner or later, she was old and she also wasn't at all healthy. "I didn't really know her, and she wasn't healthy and she was also old. I figured it would happen before to long." I respond.

"Things happen." This time he was the one to shrug.


"So now time to get to know you. We are going to spend a lot of time together."

"Okay, What do you want to know?" 

"What's your favorite color?"

"Easy, red and black, without a doubt."He smile at that. "What's your's?" I had to ask.

"Black, but red is a close second."


"Yeah. Favorite candy."

"Skittles." We both say at the same time. I give him a questioning look.

He shrugs. "I figured you would ask me the same thing, so I answered too." He shrugs again.

"Favorite..." He thinks for a little bit.

I answer, "Food...?

"Yeah, favorite food."

We don't even think about it before we both say, "Pizza Rolls." We start to laugh.

"Okay, so we have a lot in common... We both love wolves, black and red, skittles, and Pizza Rolls. Weird..." I say when I regain control of my laughing.

"Yeah, really weird." He says.


Colin's P.O.V

I have an amazing mate. We have so much in common. Already I know so much about her, like I found out that she likes to read, write, and color/draw, she likes skittles, wolves, Pizza Rolls, science, red and black, and that she is the most amazing person in the world, but it's just the surface of who she is and I know that, but it's not like I can ask her the more personal questions yet... I don't want her thinking that I'm a stalker. I need her to trust me.

She is amazingly miraculous and beautiful....

Vote and comment please!

Sorry it's been a while, I either haven't had time or I haven't been up to it lately.

Anyway's... I hope you're enjoying!

Love you guys! Seriously you people are amazing!

Okay, I know you people haven't been answering my questions, but I'm still gonna ask, and can you guys please answer? Okay, so here it goes...

Question Time!

What are your guys favorite things to do, besides reading and writing?

I like to talk to my friends... I don't have much of a social life tbh, but I like to talk to my friend on facebook, and I also like to hang out with my bf.

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