Chapter 3

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Lucy's p.o.v

I sit down waiting for the teacher to arrive. Just as the bell is about to ring, Colin, walks in. I expect him to walk back here and sit down, but instead he goes straight for the front of the room. I wonder what he's doing, and that's when he says "Hello, welcome to class, me and your normal teacher had to switch places for the month, so for this month only I am your new teacher. It's kinda like a teacher swap. I thought we should spend the day getting to know each other. So say your age, name, and an interesting fact about yourself. I'll start, my name is Mr. Lunarmoon, I am twenty-four. I just started teaching this year. Okay, lets have, ummm... You in the back introduce yourself." He had pointed right at me. Why?!?!

"Ummm... I'm Lucy, I'm turning sixteen Saturday..." I began.

"Come up here, and speak louder." He told me. I gulped and walked to the front to stand next to him.

"So, um, I'm Lucy, Lucy Matthews and I'm turning sixteen Saturday, and ummm... I love wolves..."

"Me too, I love wolves." I smiled at that and went to take my seat. When I took my seat I started to draw. The whole time as everyone introduced themselves, I could feel his eyes on me. Like seriously, creepy much.

A minute before the bell rings I start packing my stuff up. I stand right as the bell rings signaling for us all to go to our next class.

As I'm five feet from the door, I hear Mr. Lunarmoon call, "Ms. Matthews, would you mind staying for a quick minute. It will be real quick."

"Ummm... Sure..." I respond hesitantly. I walk over to him as everyone leaves the room.

"Yeah, ummm... I got something to ask you..."

"Kay, go ahead, I don't want to be late for my next class, sir."

"How would you like to be my assistant for the month?"

I answer without really thinking it through. "Yeah, I'd love to, but what exactly will I have to do?"

"It's simple really, all you'll have to do is help me out around the classroom and help me make lesson plans and stuff like that."

"When do I start?"

"Can you start today? If not, you can start tomorrow."

"I can start today. I don't got anything going on."

"That would be fantastic! I'll see you after school then."

Just then the tardy bell rings. I roll my head, I'm late. Of fucking course.

Mr. Lunarmoon, pulls out a piece of paper and writes something on it. Then he hands me it. I read it and notice its a late slip with his name written on it. 

"You should get going now, Ms. Matthews."

"Oh, yeah, bye Mr. Lunarmoon!" I yell as I rush out the door and make my way to third.













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