Chapter 6

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Lucy's P.O.V

"Lucy! Your friend Kelly is here!" My mom yells to me from downstairs.

I quickly run downstairs to open the door for her.

"Hey!" I greet her with a huge smile and hug that she returns.

"Hey! I see someone's happy to finally be 16!"

"You have no idea!"

She steps back and takes a look at me. Then she starts to shake her head giving me a disapproving look.

"What?" I ask.

"Yeah, you my friend are not wearing that." She gestures towards my outfit. "We need to find you something else to wear."

"Why? It's not like we're going anywhere."

"Wrong. We are going out to night, me, you, Alex, Nichole, Valerie, Mark, and Lily. We are going to have an awesome time for your 16th birthday. Oh, and your siblings can come if they want..."

"Okay, then what do I wear?"

Kelly grabs my arm and drags me to my room. It's then that I noticed the bag she's carrying...

"Well, I know that you don't have anything for tonight, so I decided to bring you an out fit." Kelly reaches into her bag and pulls out tight black leather jeans, a crop top with a black leather jacket that's about the same length as it, and some black heels. No way am I wearing that!

"Not a chance in hell am I wearing that!"

"Oh, but you are. Try it on."

"Fine, but if I don't like it, then I won't wear it."

"Fine, but it is going to look spectacular on you, you're going to look sexy."

"Whatever, just hand me the damn outfit all ready!"

She hands it over and I head to the bathroom to change.

When I finish getting dress, I head back to my room and look in my full length mirror.

"You, look incredible!" Kelly exclaims and she's right I do look pretty hot... Wow.

"What about my hair?" I asked, figuring she would want to do something with it.

"Keep it down, looks great how it is already. Oh, and no make up. Your face is already flawless, sop no need for that. come on, lets go downstairs."

As we are heading downstairs, I see that my oldest brother Zach is getting ready to head upstairs.

He sees us and says, "Happy birthday little-..." he cuts off in the middle of his sentence.

"What?" I ask.

"You. I mean you look hot sis... I mean happy birthday..." He turns and quickly heads up the stairs to his room.

Okaaay then... What was that?

We get downstairs and head to the kitchen where I see Suzan and Jack arguing about something.

When they see me, they just stop.

"Hey guys." I say and give a little wave.

"What happened to you?" Suzan ask.

"What she means to say is, when did you suddenly become hot little sis? This ain't the sister I remember... Oh, and happy birthday."

"Thanks, I guess?" I answer.

"She became 'hot' as you say like ten minutes ago, but to be honest she's always been 'hot' she just didn't show it." Kelly says with quotation marks around 'hot'. "Oh, and how would you guys like to come out with us tonight?"

"Sure." Both Suzan and Jack answered at the same time.

That's when Zach came running downstairs as if he had been summoned. "Did I hear something about going out? As in the club, right? If so I would love to come."

"Yeah, I was actually going to ask you to come with us." Kelly replied.

"Well, I'm so in!"

"Great! It's a party!" Kelly shouted. 

I was absolutely amazed... All that Kelly had done was give me an outfit and mention going out to night, and my siblings actually want to go with us, well this is a first... I'm actually shell shocked.

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I hope that you are enjoying this.

Love you lovely people who are reading my book!

I had a hard time deciding how to start this chapter, but then it just came to me in fifth period today. So I managed to get it out today. I will hopefully start writing a lot more. I won't promise anything, but I will try.

Also I know that most of you probably aren't reading this, and even more probably won't answer my question, but I said that I'll ask a question at the end of each chapter and I'm gonna stick with that. So Let's Do This!

Question time!

I don't think I've asked this, but if i did, I'm sorry, I'm too lazy to check... Soooo... 

What's your guy's favorite food???

Mine's pizza rolls...

Oh, and the picture represents the outfit that she's wearing.

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