Chapter 12

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Lucy's P.O.V.

As I was walking back to class I heard a crash coming from the girls bathroom, my curiosity got the better of me... I had to see what it was.

I walked into the bathroom and saw a girl sitting on the ground crying, she was terrified. Then I saw the man who was standing above her, looking as if he had been ready to slap her.

"Get out of here!" She yelled. I considered it, but I knew that that wasn't the right thing to do, I felt obligated to help her.

That's when I noticed that the man's eyes were glowing red and her eyes glowed blue.

My wolf decided to take over. She gnarled her teeth at him they were sharp and very pointy. She then ran at the man and bit his arm, we drew blood. It was warm and thick... Also it wasn't human, I don't know how I knew that, but I could tell that it was something more powerful...

My wolf then decided to bit into his neck and bite off his head, he then became a pile of dust and my wolf let go of the control she had over me.

"You're a wolf." 

It wasn't a question, but I answered anyway, "Yeah, I am. What are you?"

"What makes you think that I'm anything, but human?" She asked innocently.

"Look, I may be new to this whole thing, but I'm not stupid, you should be freaking out, but you aren't, any sane person would be. Also I saw that your eyes were glowing. So were the man's, but his were red and your's were blue." I replied.

"Okay, you caught me. I'm not human and obviously neither was that man. He had been tracking me for sometime now. He was a vampire, one of the bad ones that is. The ones that like to track my kind. I'm a fairy, the fairy princess." I swallowed at that last part. There has to be more than one royal families or whatever among the fairies, right? "I'm next in line for the throne, that is if I can't find my brother. You see I never wanted to be in charged, I still don't, but my mother is dying and I have to find my big brother. I never met him, he left before I was born. He doesn't even know that I exist."

"Do you know his name?" I had to ask.

"Um, yeah, his birth name is Jonathan Crest, but we suspect that he most like changed his last name to keep hidden." I swallowed again. It could very well be my father... I think I just met my aunt, who just so happens to be about my age...

"Well... I think I might know who you are talking about... but I also don't know for sure. I know a Jonathan... Do you know how old he was when he left...?"

"He was around 17, he had just found his mate, who was a werewolf."

"Dad..." I said under my breath. I was shocked, my dad had a sister he didn't know about, who may even be a bit younger than me...

That's when we heard a knock on the door. It was Colin, I could smell him.

I open the door a bit.

"Is anyone in there?" He asked me.

"Yeah, just me and this one girl."

"You guys were talking, weren't you?"

"Yes, she had been attacked."

"Mind if I come in?"

I looked at the girl, she just shrugged.

I opened the door, indicating that he could came in.

He saw the ground and muttered, it was so quiet, that I could barely make out the word, "Vampires."

He then looked at the girl. "Jade Crest... Surprised to see you here." He knows her?

"Colin. What are you doing here?"

"I should be asking you that. You are surrounded by werewolves here. Last I knew you tried to stay as far away from my kind as possible..."

"You're right I do try, especially your pack, you guys are really powerful, but I'm here for a reason, I've tracked my brother to this place. I don't want to become queen, I'm only fifteen turning sixteen if a few weeks... I'm not ready for that kind of responsibility, yet. I need my older brother, even though I've never met him."

"In other words she needs my father..." I had to say that, had to get it off my chest."

Colin turned around shocked, his eyes wide. He hadn't been expecting that. I look over at Jade and can tell she also wasn't expecting it...

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Love all y'all people who are taking the time to read my book. It means a lot to me.

Hope you are enjoying!

Question time!

Have you guys ever had a mental break down at school?

Me, I can't say that I have... but I also don't have that much emotion, I've never been an emotional person...

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